Poems About NaPoWriMo2019 Seeking Friendly Advice
Questions Interrupt
Whispers sinister rumblings
Plague , corrupt this mind
Nightmare remain the same
Constant reminders
Of my fragile state
Burning questions interrupt
Answers never forthcoming
Error messages beeping
Head ready to explode
Boom bang crash
Creative thinker
Who loves the written word
But can’t express verbally
The feelings that exist
Between heart and soul
Plague , corrupt this mind
Nightmare remain the same
Constant reminders
Of my fragile state
Burning questions interrupt
Answers never forthcoming
Error messages beeping
Head ready to explode
Boom bang crash
Creative thinker
Who loves the written word
But can’t express verbally
The feelings that exist
Between heart and soul
511 reads
Game Of Queens (Inspired By Ahavati)
The chess pieces were all in a row,
intents liked up for the game.
Whether or not to win was
the first question,
Whether or not to take the journey
was the last.
In the beginning the pawns
were prepared for slaughter,
later they saw its purpose in
relationships to placements
of higher echelons -
They were the important ones
despite terminal moves,
all was fair in a game of no winners
or losers, only survivors in witness to
a higher purpose and the...
intents liked up for the game.
Whether or not to win was
the first question,
Whether or not to take the journey
was the last.
In the beginning the pawns
were prepared for slaughter,
later they saw its purpose in
relationships to placements
of higher echelons -
They were the important ones
despite terminal moves,
all was fair in a game of no winners
or losers, only survivors in witness to
a higher purpose and the...
780 reads
The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone’
The crisp top of each wave
knows Winter as it breaches the wind.
The birds shorten their bodies to it,
ruffling in the breeze where they stand
and the low Sun knows it too;
it sinks a glowing amber disk
surrounded by grey sky.
The land is patched in whitest snow
peppered in browned and grey foliage.
How do I know Winter?
She comes to me at night
in light too dim to see. ...
The crisp top of each wave
knows Winter as it breaches the wind.
The birds shorten their bodies to it,
ruffling in the breeze where they stand
and the low Sun knows it too;
it sinks a glowing amber disk
surrounded by grey sky.
The land is patched in whitest snow
peppered in browned and grey foliage.
How do I know Winter?
She comes to me at night
in light too dim to see. ...
769 reads
The Heart ( String of haiku/senryu)
The heart is complex
It's hard to understand it
The way it beats, feels
It's a deep ocean
That hides so many feelings
Unseen by the eyes
Like a rolling tide
It bubbles with emotions
That surge inside it
It is a fountain
Where love keeps overflowing
Even when it's hurt
A well of feelings
Where pain, sadness and joy dwell
It's never empty
Heart goes through seasons
Of happiness and sadness
Through out a lifetime
It loves and lets go
In its own time and season ...
It's hard to understand it
The way it beats, feels
It's a deep ocean
That hides so many feelings
Unseen by the eyes
Like a rolling tide
It bubbles with emotions
That surge inside it
It is a fountain
Where love keeps overflowing
Even when it's hurt
A well of feelings
Where pain, sadness and joy dwell
It's never empty
Heart goes through seasons
Of happiness and sadness
Through out a lifetime
It loves and lets go
In its own time and season ...
#senryu #NaPoWriMo2019
#senryu #NaPoWriMo2019
542 reads
Summer Heat
My skin is moist
My pores are open, warmed
I can feel the beads of sweat rolling on my body
Coming out from my sweat glands
As I lie in bed waiting for the sun to set
It's late afternoon, forty five minutes after five
A quarter before the Angelus
But the sun is still blazing hot at thirty two degrees Celsius
Unwavering in its heat that is almost unbearable as summer wears on
Rain is a rarity at this time of year
April shower pours occasionally
Summer is a hot season where rain is a rare blessing to all creatures living in the...
My pores are open, warmed
I can feel the beads of sweat rolling on my body
Coming out from my sweat glands
As I lie in bed waiting for the sun to set
It's late afternoon, forty five minutes after five
A quarter before the Angelus
But the sun is still blazing hot at thirty two degrees Celsius
Unwavering in its heat that is almost unbearable as summer wears on
Rain is a rarity at this time of year
April shower pours occasionally
Summer is a hot season where rain is a rare blessing to all creatures living in the...
602 reads
Through out your life
You meet people
You cross their paths
Some stay longer
Some move along
They come and go
Like the changing of seasons
These meetings are not accidental
They are meant to happen
For unknown reasons
That will only unfold with time
People you meet in life are like gifts
They come in different sizes and shapes
In different bundles and wrappings
You will never know what they are, their value and worth
Until you open them up
Some are delicate and fragile that you have to handle with care
You meet people
You cross their paths
Some stay longer
Some move along
They come and go
Like the changing of seasons
These meetings are not accidental
They are meant to happen
For unknown reasons
That will only unfold with time
People you meet in life are like gifts
They come in different sizes and shapes
In different bundles and wrappings
You will never know what they are, their value and worth
Until you open them up
Some are delicate and fragile that you have to handle with care
619 reads
Memory Lane: Nana's Garden (With Final Chapter)
1) Memory Lane
In memory lane colors bloom
all in rows, brightest at noon,
just to bask in one hot sun
to grow at night while we slept on.
Now memories still bloom at night
when I sleep I still remember
the colors the most above all else
and Grandpa's chuckling laugh
and Nana's big smile, and
how she always did when I
went over and stayed for a long while.
68 words, 50 unique
2) The Garden
The garden awakens to pure simplicity
in the morning when dew is on the lawn. ...
In memory lane colors bloom
all in rows, brightest at noon,
just to bask in one hot sun
to grow at night while we slept on.
Now memories still bloom at night
when I sleep I still remember
the colors the most above all else
and Grandpa's chuckling laugh
and Nana's big smile, and
how she always did when I
went over and stayed for a long while.
68 words, 50 unique
2) The Garden
The garden awakens to pure simplicity
in the morning when dew is on the lawn. ...
1528 reads
The Moon
I noticed the moon last night
On my way to the laundry shop
After almost a month of not seeing her in the sky
I missed the sight of her gracing the night with her light
Her face was partly veiled, shadowed by darkness
Yet the radiant beam from her was enough to light the melancholic night
Stars were scattered around her
Giving of their flickering little sparks
Tonight I see her again
Sitting on that pedestal in the celestial dome in the sky
Glowing somberly, dull and paler in radiance than when I saw her last night
On my way to the laundry shop
After almost a month of not seeing her in the sky
I missed the sight of her gracing the night with her light
Her face was partly veiled, shadowed by darkness
Yet the radiant beam from her was enough to light the melancholic night
Stars were scattered around her
Giving of their flickering little sparks
Tonight I see her again
Sitting on that pedestal in the celestial dome in the sky
Glowing somberly, dull and paler in radiance than when I saw her last night
596 reads
Tree By The Sea
Windswept your boughs,
crusted and dry.
A hundred years remember
your youth; it is
recalled in scrolls of your
peeling bark, on this field
behind The Sea
under which tiny rabbits dwell
high above the beach
behind a cliff of rat's nests.
The sea air sweeps up to you.
If I were borne of your branches,
I would creak like you
and answer the great Sea.
I would be your fruit and
the rabbits would feed on me.
Where here, among the Juniper,
imbibing its piny-sweet fragrance,
I would...
crusted and dry.
A hundred years remember
your youth; it is
recalled in scrolls of your
peeling bark, on this field
behind The Sea
under which tiny rabbits dwell
high above the beach
behind a cliff of rat's nests.
The sea air sweeps up to you.
If I were borne of your branches,
I would creak like you
and answer the great Sea.
I would be your fruit and
the rabbits would feed on me.
Where here, among the Juniper,
imbibing its piny-sweet fragrance,
I would...
803 reads
A Summer Day ( String of haiku)
The soft wind caress
The young tender leaves of trees
Soothing and cooling
Bright glossy green leaves
Enduring the blazing heat
Of a summer day
I see them swaying
Under the bright summer sun
To the singing wind
Orchids in full bloom
Sitting on a balcony
Join the revelry
They nod to the wind
Their flowery heads bobbing
To his soft whispers
Blades of grass growing
In a little patch of earth
Sway in unison
The wind is playful
He blows soft gentle kisses
The young tender leaves of trees
Soothing and cooling
Bright glossy green leaves
Enduring the blazing heat
Of a summer day
I see them swaying
Under the bright summer sun
To the singing wind
Orchids in full bloom
Sitting on a balcony
Join the revelry
They nod to the wind
Their flowery heads bobbing
To his soft whispers
Blades of grass growing
In a little patch of earth
Sway in unison
The wind is playful
He blows soft gentle kisses
#nature #NaPoWriMo2019
#nature #NaPoWriMo2019
542 reads
Come Stroll The Moonlight
( before we fly home )
Come, attend us,
dear sisters & daughters!
Come stroll the moonlight
along tide waters!
Let’s gaily walk the
promenade beaches
Of the tide-swept
shorelines’ coastal reaches.
How they shine with
Luna’s opal blessings!
We’re lovely in our
scarves of evening mist,
Swept up off our necks
like black swans adrift.
And seashell bangles,
dangling, play a tune
That sound like bubbles
surfacing to swoon...
Come, attend us,
dear sisters & daughters!
Come stroll the moonlight
along tide waters!
Let’s gaily walk the
promenade beaches
Of the tide-swept
shorelines’ coastal reaches.
How they shine with
Luna’s opal blessings!
We’re lovely in our
scarves of evening mist,
Swept up off our necks
like black swans adrift.
And seashell bangles,
dangling, play a tune
That sound like bubbles
surfacing to swoon...
#sea #NaPoWriMo2019
#sea #NaPoWriMo2019
626 reads
To The Ones I Love(d)
To you, and you, and you(mmm), and even crazy you"
my heart thanks you
as do my wounds
I was bound and gagged
bleeding from within
how do I even begin
birthing these words
not even YOU have ever heard
the sunrise captured your eyes
and I melted along
with that chocolate surprise
I was saving for that first night
or was it the day
you didn't care, but for real you did
a mirage of affluence
stored in simplicity
I let you take a turn
our sun...
my heart thanks you
as do my wounds
I was bound and gagged
bleeding from within
how do I even begin
birthing these words
not even YOU have ever heard
the sunrise captured your eyes
and I melted along
with that chocolate surprise
I was saving for that first night
or was it the day
you didn't care, but for real you did
a mirage of affluence
stored in simplicity
I let you take a turn
our sun...
719 reads
DU Poetry : Poems About NaPoWriMo2019 Seeking Friendly Advice

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#NaPoWriMo2019 is curated by Ahavati (Tams).