Lost and forgotten

She's lost,
She's only young,
She has no one.
She is looking For her perants.
There's no life for her.
She's lost and been forgotten.
No one knows who she is.
No one knows she's lost.

She finds herself.
She looks in the mirror.
It's her reflection looking back at her.
Thats the only thing she see's.
No one else see's that,
No one can see her.
She's just a little girl.
She needs to be hurd.

Who is she?
As people start to see her they Wounder,
She's just another girl.
They keep on walking,
Keep on living there happy,
Perfect lives.
Not understanding whats going wrong in her's.
They walk all over her.

No friends.
No life.
Needs someone's help.
She needs to feel like she's wanted and needed.

A strange man comes up to her.
They start talking.
He walks away.
she noticed he seen her.
That strange man mad her day,
And she doesn't even know his name.
She never see's him again.

She lives each day as if its her last.
She lives for no one,
Has nothing to live for,
Nothing to be proud of.

She's just a little girl,
Standing on the corner of the street,
Watching the world go by.

She has no understanding of life.
She needs to open up to people,
For people to realize her.

She's all alone.
No one to talk to.

She's a lost soul waiting to be found.
Help Find her.
Try and see the world through her eyes,
And you will understand.

Written by baybayBoo009 (Teesha)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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