shes lost with out you.

theres this girl.
She lives life everyday as if its her last.
She doesnt know when she will be gone.
all shee knows is she lives for the future.
Forgets the past.
Smiles and walk with her head held high.
She is suffering inside.
She will never have a family.
She will alway cry inside.
Never will she forget what happened.

Shes cryin.
She wants you.
And wants you bad.
To her you only her shadow
You will never be nothing more then that.

She watch's you everday.
Walk past her like shes just another person.
You know her but you dont ever realise her.
She is someone with protential,
She can do alot of amazing things.
But you dont see that.

All you wanna see is her as a little girl.
She isnt perfect,
But she thinks you are the most perfect person in the world.

As i said,
Shes only another person you would see in the street
A no body to you.
You live only a few houses from her,
One day you notice her,
Shes sitting on her steps

She smiles as you look at her cuz you realised that she was actually there.
But you keep walking..

She dies inside.
She will only be the girl you seen on the steps..

She needs you,
She wants you,
No one else,
But the sad thing is,
She will never have you,
Your to good for here.
Shes heart broken.
You stole her heart that moment you looked at her.
Each day passes.
More and more it hurts,
The more its starting to get to her.

She cant live with out you.
She oneday comes knocking on your door.
She comes right out and says,
''i love you.''
She walks away.
He doesnt know who she is..
he watchs her walk away,
Up the street
And into her house,
He realises then.
It was the girl who was cryin on the steps.

but That will be here last words.
She kills her self cuz she knows,
She wont ever have the love of her life.
She cant live with out him,
But he can live with out her.

A few weeks pass.
He hasnt seen her since that day.
He walks to her door knocks,
no one answers.
He knocks again,
Hes worried.
He calls the police.
They arrive,
They find her hanging from the roof.
She hung herself.

His heart crushs for some reason,
His hurting,
He realises he loved her to.

Its sad how people can live there lives like its just a game.
Your playin with people emotions,
There hearts.
Some just cant handle the pain.
So they do that,
They kilkl them selves,
They think theres nothin to live for.
Written by baybayBoo009 (Teesha)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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