My Broken Heart

Apart of me died when u left
You threw away apart of my life we shared
My heart feels hollow and cold
As the tears run down my face
they pierce my sole
Each drop cracks the foundation of my sanity
You where so dear to me like a sister to me,
now u choose to disown me

Im hurt because you hurt, I cry when cry
so how can you act as though I dnt care about u
I cant bare the fact I was the cause of your pain
It was never intentional some things I have no control over
and cant change

Feel lost and abandonded without you
You told me once the only way out is the way threw
Show me the way because I dont know wat else to do
My apologies seem worthless to you
What I feared most just became my reality but
I will try my hardest to not let it get the best of me
Written by Poetic_justic705
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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