Daily Routine Of A Teen

Hang your head
Weep as the willow
Concern yourself with the whispers of the wind,
Carried down head to head through the halls.

Drown yourself in information
Isolate your soul within your head
Silence the voices of drama and stress
Zone out on the encrypted posters and walls

Live as the nomad
Roam the paths of inattentive inattendence
Assure you inferiority with insecurity
Determine your worth by stamped letter grades

Conform to the norm
Drain yourself of all individuality
Become a drone; fresh of assembly line
Graduate to life at a personalized bar stool

Feel the ring in your ear
Salvation by the bell
Return home to the nest
Rise with the sun
It's time for school again.
Written by Mr_Brown
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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