
Unchain your mind
Let the words flow off the page into your lap
Who cares if it doesn't make sense
Just let it free you
Let it help you
It gives
And it expects you to give back
Make love to it
Romance it
Say random shit
Just to piss people off
Or write something that's been on your heart for a while
Let it speak your mind and heart for you
Even if it seems like nothing,
It makes you feel better
It's a two armed hug (the best!)
It holds you and lets you fall apart in it
Just fall apart
Unleash it from your brain
Whether it makes you happy, or drives you insane
When you write
Don't strive to please others
Just please yourself
Let your self shine through the words
They may grow blind or unheard,
But someone, somewhere, it touches
And gives them aw inspiration
Or releases their hearts in ways they couldn't do by them self
Unlock it and let it free
You owe it to it
Just fall apart in its grasp
It'll always be there, holding you, supporting you
Take a chance
And let your real words flow
Poems are the best friend you have,
Poems can be your lover
Or your punching bag
Let it claim you
Let it show you
Let it show everyone who you are
Even if you're not sure who that is
Thank you poems
Written by ShadyBlocks
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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