The Room

I sit quietly in the corner
of this darkened room.
The room is special,
the room is hidden.
Only those dedicated can
penetrate the solid steel doors
and break the bars on the windows.

A light in the far corner
flickers on and I look up to gaze
around the small space.
I stand and slowly walk to
the window and peer through the bars.
The room begins to shrink...

Stepping over broken mirrors
I take in my surroundings.
Piles of blank papers and piles
of papers with neatly written words
and carefully drawn pictures
are strewn about.
I caress the little, black book
that holds the most dangerous secrets.

Knives and blades lay neatly
tucked away in metal boxes under the bed.
I dare not venture there
unless under dire emergency.
I gingerly touch the aquamarine
stone lying flat against my bare chest
as I make my way forward.

A white dress, tattered and torn
and dripping with blood and venom,
hangs in the small closet.
Trapped deep in the recesses of the closet
hides a monster.
I venture no farther for fear of waking
the beast for he will take control and
destroy everything in his path.

Crawling out of the closet
I gaze at the four walls that enclose me.
Burned into one of the walls is a
giant letter A.
The wall seethes with anger.
It cries, remembering awful mistakes
that have been made.
I press my hand against it to feel
the heat that radiates from its core.

Turning around again,
I glance at the other three walls
where a rainbow spreads across the entire area.
When I finally look back to the door,
I notice it has been forced open
and a man dressed in white strides swiftly
over to where I stand.
He grabs my arms and holds me still as
I scream and a woman, also in white,
follows behind and shoves
blue pills and white pills and yellow pills
down my throat.

As they leave, locking the door behind,
I fall to the floor and weep.
I catch a glimpse of the monster
before he fades away
and everything turns to black.
Written by BreakingSpirit212 (BreakingSpirit)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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