Image for the poem NightFallen Woods

NightFallen Woods

It calls to me,
voices singing,
Pulling me closer.
The shadows and darkness cause fear and worry,
But excitement for what lays beyond.
Behind the shadows,
Behind the hovering trees.

One step back,
One step closer.
Black hands entwine through the trees,
Wraping around my wrists and tugging.
My feet edge near the blackness.
Whispers get louder,
I start to shiver.
It's getting cooler,
The air.

Tree branches looming above,
Ominous shapes form in the shadows.
Creatures, monsters.
The hands tug harder,
My wrists start burning.
It digs into my skin,
Scars that will last.
Blood drips down my arms,
I shouldn't have inched closer.
This was a bad idea,
But what might be beyond the woods tempts me.
Voices start to whisper my name.
Is that my name?
Who am I?

Leaves cunching beneath every step,
I try to resist.
Not sure as to why though.
Another set of hands creep out of the darkness,
Digging into my shoulders now.
My vision gets slightly blurry,
Blood everywhere.
The black hands push me to the ground.
On my knees i look ahead,
Deeper, past the misty black.
An outline,
Of another human being.
Not a creature or monster...
It advances out of the brush.
Face becoming clearer,
I recognize myself.

It bares it's fangs,
My own blood dripping out of it's foaming mouth.
My mouth.
I am a monster
My monster self indicates me to move torwards it,
But I'm too weak.
I want to leave,
I can't hide this other side of me.
The black hands release their grasp lightly,
Only for the shadows to leap out of the darkness,
Grab me by my legs and pull with great force.
Dragging me into the black,
The voices growing clearer,
My own.

Monster-me winks as i pass by,
Only to erupt in a fit of sinister laughter.
I try to kick,
My screams barely audible.
Thrashing about, only for the copy of myself to kick my side.
I whimper in pain,
Relaxing all muscles.
It hurts,
But i know why this is happening.
I told myself to do this,
To take any sense in direction in order to bring me back.
That excitement was mere homesickness hidden overly well.

A trail of blood behind me,
Vision even more foggy.
My eyes are starting to give way,
Not yet i say.
I've never seen such a beautiful, yet evil night.
The moon lurks above.
Stars threatening to crash into Earth at full speed.
The shadows come to an abrupt stop,
Only to throw my helpless body at a gloomy tree.
It's branches reach down and strap me against it.
My monster self walks towards me through the fog,
Eyes threatening to shut,
It whisper's to me.
The last few words i will hear for decades,
Upon awakening.

"Welcome Home."

Written by Bellababy08 (Lali)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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