The Kiss that Killed(yes another poem for my friend Katie)

I saw it happen
why he now rests
It was her kiss
that created cardiac arrest

A dumbstruck smile
sill frozen on his lips
It is hard to believe
it is because of a kiss

I seen her blood red lips
that stained his cheek
That killed him easier
than a knife

She still lingered
her eyes full of tears
I walked up then froze
she mimics like a mirror

I drop down to check his pulse
I couldn't find it
I put my hand over his chest
it felt as if it expanded

She told me
with her crying eyes
"When they kiss,
everyone she loves dies."

Then a though appeared
she is not a monster at all
His heart simple exploded
from the love overflow
Written by siphondarkness (Levi)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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