Give two fingers to the rank hypocrisy, xenophobia and rabid racism that you migrants encounter - and keep coming!
By Stanley Collymore
Most of you weren’t born in Blighty and
your ancestral home, of course, isn’t
Britain or even England it’s true;
but all the same most of what has for
centuries, and unchangingly, is still
rather self-servingly, hubristically
and in the most egocentrically
privileged fashion, hoarded
in, and across the United
Kingdom actually, and
lawfully belongs to
you! Everything -
from quite literally really millions of your
indigenous countries national artefacts
prized and very priceless jewellery: like
the Nubian Diamond forged in and too
dating back to the days of antiquity, is
just one of them – rather barbarically
and avariciously, purloined by Britain
for its own deceitfully, very distinctly
and grotesquely misleading cultural
glorification and expressly so in the
Nubian Diamond’s case and simply
quite since its savage and ongoing
thievery very arrogantly ludicrously
and clearly deceptively gracing the
purportedly - British Crown Jewels
collection, discernibly; of evidently
unmistakably, embezzled property.
Then, there is the multiplicity of
human remains belonging to
actually proud, defiant and
brave African patriots that were savagely
slaughtered for literally daring to defend
their homelands from cruel exploitation
and similarly too being stolen by gangs
of marauding, savage white Caucasian
cut-throats, who murderously, not only
refused these people, after their awful
demise a simply decent burial by their
caring compatriots; instead, and even
now dead malignly decapitated them;
then quite cockily using their severed
heads and other garnered body parts
happily donated them gruesomely as
trophies actually to numerous British
museums, while these white colonial
barbarians clearly conceitedly to any
intelligent mind, in their undoubtedly
quite indisputably vulgar, undeniable
acts of barbarism simply generously
congratulated themselves on clearly
what they really obviously perceived
as really, quite splendid acts of their
typically and unquestionably British
“civilized” altruism aptly undeniably
exemplifying, for such patently sick
minds supposed actions literally of
their macho bravery and audacious
British soldiering, but in reality simply
were actually characteristically the
quite manifestly disgusting and
dastardly, barbarous deeds of
British transgressions while
by no means - exclusively
so, actions on their part
which, routinely, were
equally also carried
out by other white
racist Europeans.
Now unsurprisingly these barbaric
white exploiters - not in the least
dissimilar from their apparently
discernibly obsessively exploitative and
characteristically, unquestionably quite
savage ancestors and, in effect, clearly
actually doing, precisely the very same
things, in the 21st Century; although in
effect, rather concertedly fine-tuned to
their specific necessities literally don’t
really want you, as their milch cows to
be benefactors anywhere near, veribly
much less so living in what irrefutably
are their thoroughly mortgaged, up to
the very hilt – and a solitary guess as
to exactly whom: yes, unquestionably
crucially, you - “developed” countries!
Stay where you are, at home in your
own countries and basically leave
us Europeans alone; they openly
vociferously and vitriolically yell at you or
simply in the most uncompromising and
actually hateful terms, demand that you
clear-off back, to where you came from
if perchance you either do make it to or
with determined persistence managed
to evidently succeed in breaching their
fortified borders. Actions on your part,
as simply being fleeing refugees from
those constant atrocities gratuitously
inflicted on you, and the Global South
countries by them, really aren’t in any
way within their rather callous hearts
and twisted imaginations essentially
considered, either directly to be their
responsibility or ever very effectively
by them, really deemed worthy to be
seen as, truly less so right-mindedly
taken as undoubtedly humanitarian.
And least of all so, by the nerdish and
utterly self-serving administration
of David Cameron that was, of
course “democratically” elected as both
itself and its actually Tory Nazi political
camp followers perceive – despite that
support being simply, a very paltry 24%
of those, who were eligible to vote; and
that similar to their literally like-minded
mainland European counterparts really
with their unmistakably and actually at
heart unquestionably and quite fixated
natural resources patently avariciously
greedy, endemically fixated imperialist,
Nazi-colonialist, and amply Zionist Yid
too - both inspired and also controlled
agendas vigorously in tow - irrefutably
obviously fervently: even if somewhat
unconvincingly so, solemnly vowed to
themselves that they would really put
a permanent end to this actually, free
for all really exploitative, immigration
system, that had gotten disgracefully
and undoubtedly entirely out of hand.
Doing that rather discernibly against
the backdrop of their collaborative,
very frenetically orchestrated and
noticeably maniacally racist and simply
essentially, xenophobic vituperation; to
unreservedly pull up their so assuredly
undoubtedly guaranteed, drawbridges
of Fortress Europe! To then chuck out
those of you that were already clearly
undeservingly, and rather undesirably
here they claim as well as also block,
at any cost, all those other, wannabe
in-comers; something which all very
loyal Europeans and unquestionably
also clearly staunch supporters of a
preferably all-white Europe hold very
dear and most obviously would love
to truly see fully implemented, while
permanently halting the rest of your
swarming bands of vile scrounging
Global Southerners, from obviously
very discernibly actually deceitfully
and simply quite illegally getting in!
Well let them! For who realistically
rather seriously cares anymore
what these vilely feral white
Caucasian beasts really get up to, since
the very worst that they can actually do
is to kill you; something, that is already
habitually in their past as they’ve done
it repeatedly in other centuries literally
remorselessly while wholly and rather
unconscionably also have undeniably
the same in your own countries even
in this present century. So they think
nothing actually about their distinctly
dastardly infamy, nor essentially the
discernible, and dire consequences
either for you that spring from them.
Therefore, they'll obviously, literally
carry on implementing what simply
they adore doing: exploiting others
for their own living! So simply with
that in mind, it's infinitely really far
better for you to then consciously
select the means, place and also
the time of your respective death,
should it effectively come to that,
rather than very meekly allowing
your enemies, to do that for you!
And very simply what better way
than by the rather sheer force of
the numbers of you - crucially in
essentially your actual scores of
thousands, or even millions – to
force your European and British
adversaries to jettison their very
bloody-minded obduracy to you
living in peace and undoubtedly
constructively amongst them as
they didn’t with you in your own
countries; as truly for your part,
you're rather thoroughly sick at
heart of their intractable double
standards, and unquestionably
quite blatant acts of hypocrisy!
Or else force them to resort in their
instinctive, well-known and rather
deep-rooted barbarity, to start
filling up their existing graveyards and
cemeteries across England and really
mainland Europe also with your dead
bodies or evidently generate more of
them to effectively, really generously
accommodate you as basically they
were actually capable of in the past
and are very able as Machiavellian
past masters, and quite dab hands
at irrefutably, murderously doing in
those aptly, basically Global South
effectively acquired for themselves
if they must their own dead bodies.
For enough is very clearly enough
really; and put frankly, you'll not in
these present circumstances now.
Either, obviously countenance the
thought of nor either ever willingly
debase, that literal, innate trust of
your absolute individual and quite
collective consciences essentially
through any fear of your invidious
actions including death, to simply
try, to really stop us from coming.
That actually then is the thrust of
your emphatic message, as it’s
sensibly, naturally and simply
logically understood by those of us who
care anyway and must remain so in the
striking, and distinctive absence of the
genuine easing, and evidently ultimate
eradication of the irrefutably, repeated
exploitation of your people, clearly too
your countries and crucially attendant
with that, those infernal and repetitive
wars, so disdainfully carried out there
to continuously clearly embezzle your
natural resources. It's simply, not fair!
Thus giving rise, and rather justifiably
so also to the collective and heartfelt
chorus simply emerging from you, as
you obviously flee for your lives from
every accursed and white Caucasian
premeditated and simply sadistically
arranged mess of randomly dropped
RAF, French and evidently too NATO
bombs on your homes; undoubtedly
yourselves, and likewise specifically
your cherished key family members
Therefore Europe and obviously too
unquestionably and understandably
also, England evidently significantly
then, distinctly become, the primary
likely so or bust, natural destination
by any means for tenable migration.
And as someone, whose treasured
ancestral roots are undoubtedly,
proudly and unquestionably
also deeply buried in the Global South do
permit me to rather unreservedly, openly,
honestly and distinctly unapologetically
state, that for my part you literally have
my thoroughly committed and actually
fullest empathy, with your distinctively
worthy cause, as well as evidently too
my wholehearted support for actually
what you’re clearly courageously and
with absolute integrity fittingly doing.
So literally in the languages of those
European countries, that specifically
simply undeniably and crucially also
in the past, characteristically literally
abused, and inveterately still, in this
the 21st Century, distinctly carry on
doing so I say to you on your actual
or simply very confidently expected
arrival in Europe a hearty Welcome;
Willkommen, Bienvenue, Benvenuto
Welkom; Bem-Vindo; Vaelkommen;
Velkommen; Failte; ac Croeso, etc!
© Stanley V. Collymore
4 July 2024.
Author’s Comments:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuits of Happiness.”
This poem, under its then title: "Keep on coming" was initially universally published on Tuesday 25 August 2015. That version can still be found if researched and also searched for online. What however is very significant is that my views then on this subject matter are even more passionate pro these migrants as they conscionably were then!
That Scottish one-eyed git, infernally callous Iraqi mass murderer and consummately incompetent former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown in Africa of all places infamously and proudly boasted that the twin scourges of the centuries long Transatlantic Slave Trade which immediately after the abolition of that heinous human obscenity was imperiously, arbitrarily and markedly unilaterally replaced by the introduction and wholesale implementation of the equally nefarious and barbaric but similarly immensely profitable for Britain and its European counterparts in manifold crimes against humanity, and both individually and jointly were similarly largely responsible for these monstrously nefarious and calamitous atrocities in the first place were - from the perspective of this purblind Scottish pillock, and in my unapologetic and intensely honest opinion coupled with the unmistakably dangerous era of the lone wolf assassin which his and other like-minded odious Zionist Nazi-policies distinctly gave rise to would be much better off dead – indubitably the very best things to have happened he claims to the continent of Africa.
An ardent, wholly demented Zionist and naturally the staunch supporter of Zionist-apartheid Israel that Gordon Brown is you’d never hear emerging from the lips of this pathetic clown, a most cast iron guarantee that is, who has also vituperatively and rather ignorantly condemned as recently as this month, August 2015, the equally important and significantly successful Second Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, when he had a cheap shot at Jeremy Corbyn, that massively transformed the lives of millions of exceedingly poor, largely Black and indigenous South Americans as well as millions more of plain ordinary Venezuelan citizens previously and severely disadvantaged under the jackboot of fascist white Caucasian oligarchs and their ever toadying Mestizos slime balls who jointly gave their loyalty and the stolen resources not only of Venezuela but other countries across the entire length and breadth of Latin America to imperialist entities like the United States, Britain and Canada as well as their ex-colonial masters like Spain and Portugal without a solitary concern for the welfare of their own less well-off fellow citizens at home – any condemnation whatsoever in relation to the massive, ongoing and distinctly unwarranted compensation payouts to his Zionist and Yiddish brethren,70 plus years after the end of World War II. Payments exclusively made to the “chosen” few, you know exactly who I mean, but not a solitary Euro expended on the Gypsies or the other much more deserving victims of Europe’s holocaust.
This notwithstanding the glaring and completely indefensible fact that these Yiddish pals of Gordon Brown and his like-minded ilk in Britain are with similar frenzied, Stockholm Syndrome disease sadistically carrying out their own Nazi type ethnic cleansing and horrendous acts of genocide against the Palestinians, and conveniently overlooked as well as frivolously excused by Gordon Brown and his kind, whose homeland these Yiddish and dubious specimens of mankind have brutally appropriated for the project of a Greater Israel that’s not in the least dissimilar from that of the Nazis’ “Ein Gross-Deutschland! ”
Crucially in all of this both sets of my grandparents as I’ve mentioned in previous articles and with whom I’ve always had a continuous and very close bonding relationship since they were also some of my best role models knew their own grandparents with whom they had an identical relationship; however their grandparents were involuntarily born into Caribbean Slavery in Barbados and from whom they gathered first-hand what the everyday existence of being a slave was all about not only for themselves but others who were also abused and treated as “chattel” effectively the property of whatever white man or woman that “owned” them. Likewise my great grandparents, grandparents and my own parents, every one of them born in Barbados, personally grew up under the jackboot of British colonialism. So from people who knew first hand or else had that information delivered to them first hand know well, as do I since they acquainted me and my siblings of the relevant and horrendous reality of life for Black people under slavery and colonialism.
However none of this didn’t stop these Black Caribbeans including my parents and other relatives from voluntarily and speedily coming to the assistance of Britain when its back was up against the wall against the same kind of Nazism and fascism that we’re currently seeing in Britain and also resurging across the European mainland. The very same can be said for the Africans generally who in their scores of thousands did the same; and could very easily have done what the Irish did and sided with the Third Reich, prompting Winston Churchill to seriously consider declaring war on Ireland. But my maternal Grandmother has routinely joked with me and despite her humour there was a noticeable seriousness in what she said. Namely that the current breed of white British should go down on bended knees and thank whoever it was that made them, as it most certainly wasn’t the God Lord she cleverly held forth, that their brutal ancestors created an empire all those centuries ago, for if they hadn’t today’s breed of British white Caucasians for the most part wouldn’t have either the intellect or the capability to invade and colonize the Isle of Wight if it wasn’t already a part of Britain let alone fashion an empire anywhere else across the globe. And in that specific regard Gran was spot on as she was in everything else.
In wrapping up what for me is this tiresome piece since it’s characteristically a case with the vast majority of Brits of the albino kind of casting pearls before swine, both figuratively and literally. So I’ll close with a correspondence from LA Adusei from London who astutely writes on the refugee crisis: “We all know poverty is a major factor in the ongoing migrant crisis at Calais. We also know that much of the poverty in Africa is caused by odious debts, unfair trade practices and, importantly, Africa’s assets stolen by its elites in cahoots with Europe’s establishment. These looted African assets sit in Europe and other safe havens controlled by European countries. Any agreement we sign with France regarding the repatriation of migrants that does not address the question of ending poverty by cancelling the odious debts, repatriating Africa’s looted assets, and ending Europe’s unfair trade practices with Africa is doomed to fail.”
To that I would add for the benefit of racist and imperialist morons like Gordon Brown, stop your warmongering in the Global South and also permanently desist from your fanciful notions of how beneficial slavery and colonialism were to my people; for if anyone ever dared to say that Europe’s holocaust was the best thing that ever happened to your Yiddish Zionist chums: they after all have a stolen state, nuclear weapons, are the tail wagging the dogs of the US, England and the rest of the EU and additionally relative to Europe’s holocaust make billions of Pounds in blackmailing people not even born then and the list goes on – assholes like you would be up in arms; but when it comes to us Niggers why the hell should you care even if most of what you have actually belongs to us?
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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