Image for the poem Summer Lost Memories

Summer Lost Memories

when summer comes, the day stretches his tail, sprawls wide, like being upon anatomy table .as my cat at home, lies napping in the shade, at the mercy of a burning heat, mercury boiling......not a fat mouse, nor a meat treat either could ever tempt him ,he likes to relax, flat on cool cement and sleep for hours, do not ever wake him up !!!
summer here, is synonym of fires, Blazes, Inferno, and Dante was so lucky enough to live away, just in history books, not on my concrete land. or else he would undoubtedly disclaim his Devine Comedy..
summer here is a crazy behaviour, brawling, strong muscles, anger, tense nerves  smoke rising at midnight, barbecues fume on every archaic and wrecked's  just about eating, and leaving to die........
summer here is crickets, katydids, grasshoppers, cicadas all day long orchestra nonstop playing , a dull singsong theme, as if they say, join in !!!
So, in  summer i join the natural orchestras and play my own melody, singing a tune of summer is boon, yes singing all the time until summer is over, and gone
summer here is a month so long, so boring, so dull, it takes our joys, as kids always die in deep dirty swamps,and the same swamp will take other younger lives next year, and do so on..and so on,  
But, summer is always innocent, he just lazes, and spends a hot moment with cicadas, locusts and grasshoppers in the mountains then he dies up there like a summer forgotten insect.
Written by poeticdelight (Hamid)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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