Ode to Fight Club

Saw Fight Club at a retro screening  
I wasn't old enough to see it  
at the cinemas when it first came out  
So much better on the big screen  
I laughed most of the way through it
cause it's so fucked  
and it bought back fond memories
of the nihilism of my 20s
I am Jack's raging bile duct
This is the only sofa I'll ever need  
The things you own
end up owning you
It's only when you lose everything  
that you're free to do anything

And it all led to late night philosiphising  
and how it's a strange commentary  
on society  
and how I think Andrew Tate  
is the modern age Tyler Durden  
for idiots searching for answers
while being incapable
of thinking for themselves  
Or how it's actually a pre-Septemter 11
prophesy on religious extremism  
Or how my brain my might fall out  
because my head has become  
runaway train  
and Fight Club lights up
all the thoughtful parts of my brain
like it's cinematic crack  
for the philosophical soul  
And if you asked me to pin point  
exactly why it's my favourite film of all time  
I'm not sure I can tell you why  
Maybe because at the heart of it
it's so fucking human  
and there's not a person alive  
who hasn't flirted with self destruction  
though we don't all descend  
into the bowels of violence  
Maybe it's because back in the day  
I was the one searching for answers
and it opened up a world of questions  
I still haven't found answers for  
Or maybe it's because  
I'm still secretly an anarchist at heart
who would fuck up Jared Leto's face
just to destroy something beautiful  
Written by Indie (Miss Indie)
Published | Edited 4th Jun 2024
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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