
I can't shake this feeling.
Like Im crying on the inside and I'll never be enough.
The wounds have healed but I'm still bleeding.
And I feel like I'm spiritually and physically giving up.

I don't want to live but I don't want to die.
But I don't want to wake up and carrying on living lies.
I mean why try living inside my mind creating another world just to try and thrive.
There is no escape from reality we are all waiting patiently just to die.
But I'm tired from the patience I just want to close my eyes.

Waking up realizing I have no worth.
Just an image in a mirror fading from this world.
I see my imperfections clearly.
People only exist to judge me and remind me of them daily.
I scream silently knowing even if I made noise no one would hear me.
Im bathing in my own blood while facing my insecurities.
I'm always alone I'm always lonely.

Written by Tearsofblood8637
Author's Note
I'm not good at this I know
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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