Image for the poem Chapter 17 Restless Night and Invitation to Party

Chapter 17 Restless Night and Invitation to Party

Chapter 17

The evening after Brittney and David’s long lunch of love making, Brittney came in from work and visited with her daughters while preparing something for supper. Alex called to say he was running late but they’d have dinner together.

Later as the meal progressed, Brittney sensed tension in the air. Alex revealed that he’d called to check on Brittney at the hospital earlier and learned she was on a long lunch. He said he'd been surprised that her schedule changed.

Brittney felt herself blushing and stammered. “I’d had a particularly stressful morning and needed some time to collect myself over lunch.”

Alex nodded.

“And I ran a couple of errands that made me late getting back to work,” Brittney added, immediately feeling a pang of guilt. “I’m sorry I lost track of time. I didn’t mean for you to worry.”

The girls seemed to sense the tension in their mother’s voice, and they squirmed in their chairs.

“Whatever,” Alex said with exasperation. “It just makes me nervous not knowing where you are and if you’re alright.”

“I’m sorry,” Brittney said as her eyes lowered.

Alex takes that leader of the household think a little too far, she thought. She started to say Alex might need to get a leash but caught herself.

As Brittney dosed off that night she had a dream. She found herself wandering through a surreal garden, bathed in the ethereal glow of moonlight. Together with David, she followed winding paths adorned with vibrant blooms and twisting vines.

In the heart of the garden, they stumbled upon a peculiar flowerbed, where Alex lay sprawled naked on the soft soil. David's hand tightened around Brittney as he guided her towards Alex's prone figure.

With a gentle urging, David encouraged Brittney toward Alex. Hesitant at first, she tentatively stepped closer until she stood directly above Alex. Without a word, David gestured for her to descend.

As if in a trance, Brittney lowered herself onto Alex and pressed herself against his cock. Her movements were fluid and graceful, like a dancer guided by an unseen melody. She began to let her pelvic thrusts bump against Alex and he responded to her pulsing with a mysterious energy that enveloped them in its embrace.

For what felt like both an eternity, Brittney danced over Alex with the world around them spinning in a kaleidoscope of colors and sensations. The air was alive with the fragrance of blossoms, mingling with the earthy scent of soil.

As the dance reached its crescendo, Brittney's movements slowed, until finally, she sank to the ground beside Alex, her body consumed by a profound weariness. With a contented sigh, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

The next morning Alex said, “Did you have trouble sleeping?”

“No, did you?”

“I felt the bed moving and realized you were sitting up,” Alex said.

“Just sitting up?”

“Well, not just sitting, Alex said. “Kinda dancing on your knees, I guess. I said something to you and you didn’t hear me”

“I thought I had some crazy dreams,” Brittney said.

Later at the hospital, Brittney yawned and said, “Morning, Lucy.”

“Hey, Brittney! Rough night?” Lucy asked in her typical cheerful tone.

“You could say that. Didn't sleep well.”

Why not? Lucy asked.

“Just some crazy dreams. More like nightmares, to be honest,” Brittney said, only remembering the guilty gloom she felt when she woke up.

“How about you? How was your night?” Brittney asked.

“Oh, you know me, always out and about. Had a blast with some friends,” Lucy said. “Met a new man, too.”

Laughing, Brittney said, “Must be nice. I envy your energy sometimes.”

“Well, you know what they say, ‘Youth is wasted on the young.’ But hey, speaking of fun. You should join me for a night out.”

 “Me? Out on the town? I'm not exactly the party type, Lucy,” Brittney said chuckling.

“ Come on, Brittney! Live a little! You work hard, you deserve some fun,” Lucy said, adding some coffee to their cups.

“I appreciate the offer, Lucy. But you know I'm married and a mom. My life is pretty full as it is,” Brittney said as she felt her neck blushing warm. An image of her with David had flashed in her memory. I’m such a hypocrite, she thought.

Lucy broke into her thoughts. “Hey, being married and a mom doesn't mean you can't have a bit of fun every now and then. Plus, I've seen that discontented look in your eyes. I know what that means.”

“What do you mean? Brittney asked putting her hand over her breasts.

“You can't hide it from me, Brittney. I see it in the way you talk, the way you carry yourself. You're craving something more than just the daily grind.”

Guilt gnawed at Brittney. She thought, Going out partying when my marriage is in the middle of an affair? But Lucy is right isn’t she. I am suffocating. David makes me feel alive, but I’d be so ashamed for Alex to know the truth about me. And the girls…. Oh, God, it would hurt them so.

Brittney sighed, “Lucy, my life is kinda complicated right now. I don’t need to be partying it up.”

“Oh, but that’s exactly when you need to go out. It’ll free up your mind and give you a break from the grind,” Lucy said.

Brittney thought, I do need a break. Just one night to forget about everything.

As if Lucy was reading her mind, she said, “Taking care of yourself doesn't mean you're neglecting your family. In fact, it's quite the opposite. A happy you is better for everyone around you, including your dear friend, Lucy.”

Brittney smiled.

“You just call me when the girls are in bed this Friday and I’ll take you ‘to a movie,’” Lucy said, winking. “We’ll have some good, clean fun.”
Written by Nizana (Lauryn)
Author's Note
I was going to take a little break from writing to have my baby but it's not time yet and I can't let Brittney's story go just now, so here's the next chapter. I enjoyed editing an illustration of Brittney in her dream.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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