El Cipitio

His father was Morning Star
His mother was Sihuehuet*, goddess of the moon
He was the product of a forbidden romance
But his can be a tale, one of terror and gloom

When the queen’s affair had been discovered
Her husband went to the Teotl* seeking justness
So the Aztec god cursed both mother and child
Her husband believed he had received justice

The boy’s feet were bent backwards
Given a conical hat and a pot belly of enormous girth
A ghastly sight for the few that have seen him
Always as a child, doomed to walk the earth

Farmers would sometimes follow his footprints
Trying to track down those hideous hooves
But his backwards feet sent them n the opposite direction
Deeper and deeper into the woods

Ladies who bathed or walked by the river
Can feel eyes watching them or had rocks thrown
Appearing and disappearing laughing like child’s play
Feeling a chill down to the bones

They say he’s covered in ash when they tell dark tales
Like other ancient fables of ghosts, spirits and more
But the little boy who was cursed likes to play games
Has now become more of entertainment in local folklore
Written by wallyroo92
Author's Note
*From the Nahuatl language. In El Salvador (Central America), I remember the stories they would tell about this little boy. Tourists can usually see someone dressed as this character in plazas or public events. He even has a television show nowadays. You can probably see him in the stands at football (futbol) matches.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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