I can hear your voice inside my fantasies and my dreams
beckoning behind the veil from
beyond, it loudly screams
into my unconsciousness stirring
within the depths my soul
An ache, a heartbreaking hunger
pierces, wanting to be whole

In those fragments of you there are pieces I may never hold
for your body has always needed
to be warmed from the cold
in words and actions pulled out
from the darkness within
Oh! How I crave to be the comfort and shelter from such sin

To ward againist the blinding light
of all those empty promises
let my hands so very meticulously
assist you through obstacles
Wandering, tracing and exploring contours of your lucious body
use of quivering hands and lips
as fire embers oh so heavenly

Let my tongue and body delve into my addiction as I'm savoring
your essence and becoming your
slave while you're wavering
We'll share in our lusty deviant
desires 'til completely sated
sampling, soothing, untaming all
past things deemed overrated

Please let me tame your wild
I'll be sure to make you smile 🥰❤️
Written by monovox128 (Philis PriceDean)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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