FATE or SHOT in the DARK

Upon their first meeting, she knew her chances were very slim
but, all she knew was just how very much she wanted him
He was the epitomy of her reoccurring dreamy desire
he and only he would be the one to tame her ever raging fire
Of all the wonderous magical moments he would bring
underneath it all, there's truly basically one very thing
That not just his smile or the way he would teasingly kiss her lips
whether the ones on her lovely face or the between her hips
And also the manner in which he worked his magical hands
that were so very capable, willing and eager to understand
For at least her from that day onward there'd be no other
she would ever even fathom to replace him as her lover
Unabashedly she would be to follow wherever he'd lead
In good times, bad times, fun times, whatever his need
Oh how she missed him while away, just didn't make sense
making sure times together woud carry no guilt or pretense  
For her, he'd make the earth move and hung the sun, moon & stars
she seemed definitely the most mesmerized by both by far
Never for a moment would she ever want them to be apart
but, if not physically entwined they will be conjoined by heart
Written by monovox128 (Philis PriceDean)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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