Image for the poem Trend Setting Fashion Statements

Trend Setting Fashion Statements

Trust compromised and repaired
Holistic bonds give sight to the otherwise impaired
Uniformed in motion gradually instep and unaware

Nuanced of the imperfect and yet automatic sense of care
Deviances redeemed on the altars of our swear

Experience refined by self sacrificial love, in every joy and burden that we bear
Romances of routine and revelry re-pronounces love so rare

Sedated yet awakened, our hearts in fashion that we wear
Torn to be reborn from the past and knit in the wonder of a full gaze from a blank stare

Roses bloom in unseen gardens nurtured by the souls of the broken and the fair
Undignified our pride dies with every echoing prayer

Courting destiny in matrimony, respirating on these lungs we share
Kindred flames burning deeper than the surface flare…
Written by ClovenTongue34 (Nathaniel Peter)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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