The Human Parasite

For millenniums, we have been observing a planet in distress.
The planet is infested by a parasite called human.
We have waited a long time and we will not wait any longer.
The human parasite is the only life form that is ruining the planet.
If we do not intervene now, it will be too late.
The planet will not survive the infestation of this deadly organism.
We must stop the depletion of the earth’s vital resources.

The human parasites express a murderous and hostile trait.
We have fully tested these beings and the experiments have failed.
The capacity for peace and love is not in the gene of humans.
This destructive species is incapable of getting along with one another.
We cannot allow these creatures to stay on this planet.
Neither can we take them to another compatible world.
The human parasites will destroy life wherever they go.

Our presence in this star system is not a sign or warning.
We came here to get rid of the pests and save the dying planet.
If the planet dies, the human parasites will die.
But if the human parasites die, the planet will live.
The protectors of the universe have made a decision.
We will not let one life form destroy all other life forms on the planet.
The unstoppable process of annihilation has begun.
Written by PittinixDesigns
Author's Note
Will this be the outcome for humans?
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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