Then and Now

In the days of yore, the 60s and 70s,
Life danced to a tune, more sensible, carefree.
A world filled with moments, simplicity's grace,
Where hearts sought connection, at a slower pace.

Oh, the rhythm of life, with a gentle sway,
When conversations bloomed, face-to-face each day.
No screens to distract, just souls in conversation,
Engaging in dialogue, fostering relation.

People held hands, strolling down the street,
A sense of community, where strangers would meet.
In the parks, laughter echoed through the air,
Children played freely, without worry or care.

Music filled the airwaves, its melodies alive,
Songs that carried messages, made hearts thrive.
Lyrics spoke of peace, love, and understanding,
Uniting generations, dreams expanding.

Protests and movements, seeking equality's light,
Voices raised in harmony, fighting for what's right.
The spirit of change ignited the hearts of many,
Transforming society, visions aplenty.

Nature embraced, with reverence and delight,
A world less consumed by the hustle and the fight.
People sought solace, in its nurturing embrace,
A connection with Earth, a source of infinite grace.

But as time went on, progress forged its way,
Advancements emerged, shaping a new play.
Technology soared, bringing convenience near,
Yet altering our lives, fostering a different fear.

The digital age, with its ever-present glow,
Has changed the landscape, of how we ebb and flow.
Social media connects us, yet distances our hearts,
A world of shallow connections, fragmented parts.

In the pursuit of speed, we've lost some of our soul,
Trading moments of depth, for a fast-paced stroll.
In this era of plenty, where excess often reigns,
We search for meaning, amid the myriad of gains.

So let us remember, the beauty of the past,
Embrace its wisdom, a legacy that will last.
For in simplicity lies a truth worth pursuing,
A life more sensible, where hearts find their brewing.

May we find balance, in this modern age,
Infuse it with the lessons, from the bygone stage.
And in the depths of our hearts, let us seek and explore,
A life of purpose and love, forevermore.
Written by GregT
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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