Image for the poem Within His Sanctuary

Within His Sanctuary

Georg Speyer Presidential Suite
Steffen tossed and turned in the king size bed, nocturnal rest refused to abide. He clasped both hands behind his head. He silently asked himself, just where the fuck was Isabella?  
Julius has been attempting to make verbal contact with her for days now. He glanced over at the radio clock on the nightstand; the time registered six o’clock.  
Of all the nights to be have experienced a bout of insomnia he thought.  
He knew the speech he had to address later today have greater importance to his audience for him to develop a string of yawns. He tried to convince the will of his body to submit to at least one hour of sleep.  
Steffen pivoted his head and looked out the window.  
Mid-morning has already taken its toll on his senses.  
“I love...”  
“Shh, I know.”  
“Why can’t you say it back?”  
“I..., I..., you are that special...”  
“Just say it, please.”  
“You can’t say it, could you?”  
“Goodnight my love.”
Steffen sat up and reached for the telephone. He lifted the receiver, placed it up to his ear, and dialed the hotel’s telephone operator.  
The telephone rang.  
“Who the…,” Isabella mumbled in the darkness.  
Her logic thinking still incoherent after being jarred from a peaceful slumber. She rubbed her sleeping eyes, and looked over at the alarm clock positioned on the nightstand.  
"Twelve o’clock, are you kidding me."  
Isabella lifted the top pillow from under her head and placed it over her face. She continued to let the telephone ring.  
The shrill of the persistent rings penetrated through her covering.  
Isabella procrastinated about answering it; then she remembered there wasn't an attached answering machine.  
"Darn it."    
She tossed the pillow off her face, reached over, and lifted the telephone receiver; she placed it up to her ear.  
“Hello,” Isabella muffled into the telephone receiver half-sleepy.  
“Hello ma’am. This is the telephone operator; I have on the line a Steffen Galeio, whom is calling from Frankfurt, Germany. This call will be forwarded to this telephone’s extension in two seconds after I discord. Do you agree to these terms ma’am?”  
“Yes, I’ll accept.”  
Isabella fluffed her pillow behind her head.  
What does he want? Moreover, how did he get the telephone number she could not even remember? She pinned the helpful deed on her mother.  
Isabella relieved the ringing telephone.  
“Hello,” her soft voice spoke out following static.  
Steffen thought for a minute he would be listening to an answering machine.  
“Don’t hang up.” Steffen sat up more comfortably against his pillows. “Belle, where have you been? You were being contacted on the hour for days now. I've been worried about you. Are you all right my love?”  
“Yes, I’m all right thank you for your concern.”  
“May I ask where you’re residing?”  
“I’m on vacation Steffen.”  
“Are you alone?”  
“Of course I am.” Isabella’s senses were alert now. “Steffen it's very late why are you calling me?”  
Silence responded from the other end of the telephone.  
“Is something wrong Steffen?”  
Isabella’s voice filled with genuine concern.  
I just wanted to tell you that I love you and miss talking to you Steffen thought.  
“Everything is fine here, no problems to report.”  
It felt so reassuring to hear his voice she thought
“I needed to speak to you, hear your voice, and listen to you utter my name.”  
“Listen Steffen…”  
“What are you doing at this very minute belle?”  
Steffen forestalled any forthcoming comments from Isabella.  
“I’m lying in bed Steffen.”  
“This is a good start. What are you wearing?”  
“I’m under the covers stark naked.”  
Steffen took a deep breath at Isabella’s disclosure.  
“Mercy, mercy unfortunate me.”  
Isabella wanted to laugh out for old time’s sake, but on the other hand. Their relationship is no longer domesticated. This was no game and both already knew the rules.  
“I bet your hair is all tousled around you. Belle, I wish I were there with you, lying beside you, and deep inside you."  
She hated to admit it, but she did too, Isabella thought.  
"Since fate does not permit it, I will have to compromise. Pull down your covers belle,” Steffen asked in an arousing voice. "Baby, I really need you so bad. I need to touch your soul."  
“Steffen.” Isabella refused to engage in his type of verbal interaction. “I have to put an end to this conversation, this relationship is over.”  
Steffen paused.  
“You and I both know it’s never over between us, never. Now, I ask you again. Pull down your covers.” Steffen’s voice sounded husky, his accent becoming cogent.  
Isabella knew Steffen was self-aroused.  
What a sad thought this was the one and only emotion she can stir in him.  
“Please my love; I am envisioning you naked in my bed, which is causing strange sensations to the necessity of my manhood.  
Isabella wanted to cry out she loved him so much. She assumed Steffen was trying to prove to her they could still be together without any commitment. However, she needed more her mind screamed back with an emotional understanding.  
“How is your business launch fairing?”  
“Fine and grazie for asking. I have enlisted several solid shipping business contracts.”  
“Congratulations,” Isabella, acknowledged politely. “Steffen did you read...”  
“Have I ever told you belle each time you say my name. It’s as if you are saying it for the first time. You have my permission to always need me.”  
“Steffen,” Isabella repeated herself. “I have to discontinue this conversation. It’s over between us, and please do not call me again.”  
“Isabella wait.” Steffen sat straight up. “Just stay on the line one minute longer with me. Even if you choose to stay silent; at least I know you're on the other end.”  
That was so nice of him to say she thought. God she loved this man.  
Isabella sighed; she twirled the telephone cord around her finger.  
“Have you given our last conversation any consideration Signorina Tramaine?”  
“Yes I have Steffen.”  
“Are there any deliberations on your behalf my love?”  
“I still stand by my moral obligations Steffen.”  
Steffen paused; he placed the telephone receiver near his chest, before placing it back up to his ear.  
“Your moral obligations,” Steffen repeated. “The only thing I get out of your moral obligations Signorina Tramaine is a bunch of cold showers, and now that I’m cold. There is no one here to warm me up, than to double my dilemma. I cannot seem to get back to sleep. Any advice is welcomed.”  
“You need to relax Steffen and focus on your intended goal. Have you presented your speech yet?”  
“No, my speech will be delivered later in the day.”  
“Then go over your speech in your mind. It will be wise to picture your targeted audience and the angle of your pitch you are trying to verbally convey. Eventually, sleep will befall.”  
“I also have an open suggestion.”  
“What is your open suggestion handsome?”  
“Let me make love to your from afar.”  
"I don't know, being I'm here alone, and in the nude, and you are so far away."  
“Are your covers pulled down my love?”  
"They are."  
Steffen stroked his stiff member.  
“Isabella, I miss you so much. I am not there to hold you, or talk face to face with you. My love, this will have to do."  
"Tell me you do not have on any clothes for this."  
"Not a stitch."  
"That's a great start. You have my permission to get on top of me."  
"I'm already there, beautiful."  
"I'm licking around your neck, umm, sucking on your skin. My palms rubbing up and down your back, pulling your masculine body closer to mine, whispering in your ear for you to make love to me, please me."  
 "Oh baby, I feel your legs wrapped around my back, sliding my hard dick inside you slowly, making sure, I do not miss out on the softness of your inner carnal beauty."  
"Oh Steffen, baby, I really miss you inside of me."  
"Oh yes," Steffen licked over his lips. "My mouth galloping to a breast, suckling the peak of your nipple, while I'm driving my erection in and out of you; only to have me ram it to the core of your wet tight pussy."  
Steffen consistently pumped his manhood.  
"Slow down...this this moment involves two."  
“Bell..., belle..., merda I feel…I feel myself thrusting inside you... I’m..., please let me fuck you all night long.”  
"Mum, and I love you touching me, fucking me until I'm breathless, your tongue teasing my breasts, kissing my lips. Taste me Steffen, this woman needs you to touch her inner soul."  
"Oh belle, baby, sweet mercy, you taste so good."  
"Yes...your tongue feel so good inside of me." Isabella caressed the opening to her pussy. "Oh yes...right there."  
"Right there."  
"Oh yes right there," Isabella moaned into the mouthpiece of the telephone.  
Steffen palmed his dick and pumped it. He rubbed his palm up and down his stomach.  
"Let...let me bust this nutt inside that tight pussy. I need to feel myself inside of you."  
"Oh come...come on Steffen...I can't wait, put...put it in."    
Steffen massage his manhood faster.  
"Oh belle you're so tight."  
Isabella's two fingers found comfort inside the wetness of her cunt; she wiggled them around.  
"Oooo Steffen."  
The call dropped.  
Isabella arched her back and climaxed.  
"Oh Steffen you...made me cum all over my fingers."  
She slid the telephone receiver down from her ear, onto her cleavage, down to her pelvis. She rubbed it over her downy hairs, as her pussy continue to shudder.  
"I miss you so much," she muttered in the back of her throat. Her body vibrated.  
She took a deep breath and placed the receiver back up to her ear.  
"You complete me Steffen, and I really do love you."    
No response was issued.  
"Steffen? Hello. No he didn't hang up on me. Playing with fire I guess you will get burned. I cannot believe he just hung up, wow."  
Isabella slowly hung up the telephone. She grabbed a pillow from behind her head and placed it between her thighs. The rhythmic surge of her pussy steadily spasm.  
“I..., I..., you are that special...”  
“Just say it, please.”  
“You can’t say it, could you?”  
"Damn, I should never have said, I loved him."  
"I need you so much my love, I've missed you belle." Steffen licked over the mouthpiece of the telephone. "You will always belong to me...meeeeeee."  
Steffen tightened his palm around his manhood, and squeezed the telephone receiver tighter with the other palm. He leaned his head back against the headboard.  
"Oh I love fucking you belle, merda."  
His sperm spurted out onto his hand and overcrowded his palm. His body convulsed. His manhood receded to a gentle pulsate.  
And I love you he thought
"I really would like to do this in my bed very soon my love."  
 Steffen did not receive a reply on the opposite end of the telephone.  
“Isabella, is you there?” No response followed. “Isabella.”  
The telephone made a shrieking sound in his ear.  
Maledizione,” Steffen cursed to himself. “She hung up on me,” Steffen voiced in disbelief. He held the telephone receiver to his chin. “Fuck it, I tried,” he replied on behalf of his own failure. He felt emotional euphoric, yet mentally defeated. He slammed the telephone receiver back down in its cradle. “Who fucking needs you anyhow Signorina Tramaine, fuck you too,” he screamed his displeasure at the telephone. He wiped his hand on the bedcover.  
Steffen did not want to accept the fact Isabella and he was over completely. Therefore, what was he supposed to do now? Remain sulking. On the other hand, or get on with his life. The second option overruled the first.  
Steffen sat up, reached over, and turned on the lamp. He slid out the nightstand drawer, and took out a black velvet jewelry box. He opened it and removed a ring.  
A 24.78 carat Emerald-cut Graff Pink Diamond engagement ring he carried around on his person, but never introduced Isabella to it, glistened with merit.  
Steffen inspected the fine quality of the diamond. He silently questioned himself, as to why this particular ring is not already on Isabella’s finger by now. His philosophy in regards to that sentiment was, losing one man’s freedom, is like losing his soul forever, or could another theory be.  
The memories of his childhood were not pleasant for him to believe in any future happy outcomes. In his childhood years where he resided at St. Anthony, a part of his life he never revealed to anyone. He could recall, without any repentance the prestigious Catholic based orphanage, staff, and senior peers maintained his presence.  
He retained good grades with honors at the institution. He laughed and played normally among the other children in his age group. For the ones who did come to know about his past, they never ridiculed him about it. He even went on to graduate at the top of his senior class there.  
Conversely, the discomforting side of his life’s history was he lacked the hugs and encouragement of what biological parents provided to their descendants. When he came into his questionable manhood, there was no male role model around to confine his innermost thoughts.  
He can now laugh to himself while remembering Sister Mary. The superior nun, who at best, attempted to explain to him his role as a man, what responsibilities for him to expect, and the creed to live by them.  
Therefore, by the time his late grandfather took custody of him at the juvenile age of seventeen. He can only assume it was too late in time. By then, he assumed his total disposition on life and his interaction with the general population had hardened.  
His late grandfather’s formatted words would mentally haunt him occasionally, ‘a mon in love has no place in the corporative world it makes him less aggressive in his financial dealings and an easy prey to his competitors.’  
It’s a disgrace his late grandfather expired a wealthy and lonely bitter man.  
Steffen knew he has abided by his way of thinking far too long, and where has his severe self-ruling progressed his love life to, other than being emotional doubtful when entering a meaningful relationship, and warming up to an expensive array of bed sheets at night.  
Steffen knew the core of his emotional confusion is not with Isabella. He thought with a ray of hope this has to get better once he address his final indecisiveness.  
Steffen placed the ring back into the jewelry box, closed it, and then slid it under his pillow. He turned off the lamp light.  
Steffen migrated in and out of sleep; he barely obtained two hours of rest.  
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
A chapter ripped out of one of my many novels.

All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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