Veronica's Erotica

she spoke very deliberately          
with subtle un-noticable pauses          
careful not to utter the name that lingered            
on the edge of parted lips            
as she gave her manager full eye contact            
feigning interest in his boring morning water cooler conversation            
while her mind drifted to the steamy conversation            
that came the night before.....          
when He commanded            
she cock open her legs wide for Him...          
and He would          
plant His meaty arrogance deep inside her            
while placing His palm on her stomach            
just below her navel            
if only to actualize the depth            
of His penetration...          
the gloating in His eyes          
the smugness in His half-assed smile            
filled her with contempt for this cocky sonavabitch            
as His tip pushed against the soft epiphany            
hidden in the back of her Venus            
stroke by stroke            
His breaking and entering            
violated her haughty code of ethics          
stripping away imaginary independence while            
simultaneously setting her free          
free to submit to His stiffened exclamation          
what a enticing paradox...          
this temporary duality of her existence            
sometimes confused her            
she admitted          
yes she did see her co-worker Jackie's mouth move          
but she could only hear His voice...          
come here Veronica...          
turn around and bend over          
all the way over          
face down dammit!! [He shoves her face to the mattress]          
now arch your fuckin back          
yeahhhh.. just like that          
and just like that she felt a tiny burst of heat            
escape between her thighs          
her panties became damp with anticipation            
as she remembered thoughts of trepidation coursing through her          
never feeling safe in her own home            
whenever He was there          
His calm demeanor dangerously misleading          
His casual walk more akin to that of an apex hunter            
lurking the great plains of the her wild            
with menace swinging in His loins            
patiently waiting as He smelled the sexual adrenaline            
mixed with anxiety swirling in her gut          
she knew He would pounce on her again          
but she never knew          
when..or where          
would it be in the kitchen while she prepared breakfast?          
on the balcony as she watered her plants?          
in the basement where she did her laundry?          
or just pin her against the wall in the hallway just because  
He felt she was trespassing?          
the power of His presence was intoxicating            
and she was His willing bait          
parading around in a tight T-shirt            
showing off the contours of her nipples    
with no panties of course            
making sure the crack of her ass was          
always visible to Him....          
them BAM! happened..          
He slammed her over the dining room table            
and she felt her nipples stiffen from the coldness of the wood          
He kicked her ankles apart then            
proceeded to spread her ass cheeks            
chuckling through it all            
as she offered such feeble resistance          
she could feel His conceit slide in and out of her          
and all she could do was shower Him with her creamy obeisance            
not sure whether thank or curse his mama            
for having the audacity to give birth            
to a cocky bastard such as He          
she said to herself            
delighting in her erotic reverie            
as she poured cream into her morning coffee          
the silky stream filling her cup made her smile            
as she recalled how she cradled his sack and stroked His shaft            
with the sole purpose of jerking His surplus            
of cum into her mouth          
she loved this feeling of power and control          
by milking her ebony bull into an orgasmic frenzy          
she reveled at the way He swelled          
and spat against the roof of her mouth            
yet she never took her eyes            
off of Him          
she wanted to witness His every reaction            
as she claimed this victory          
the weird jerking of His body          
the rapid heaving of His chest          
the primitive grunting that escaped His lips          
the buckling of His knees          
and that unforgettable fuck face          
she would photograph            
that look forever in the diary of her mind            
as she prided herself on the trick she played on His sperm          
by letting His minions think          
they were racing towards her Golden Egg            
only to realize that they were being bamboozled          
as they came upon her liver          
and she would imagine His unborn frantically yelling          
retreat!! retreat!!..          
its a decoy!...          
she gave a slight giggle            
relishing in the fact that she wore Him oh so well          
the salt from His sweat          
the seed in His jizm          
the saliva from His mouth          
the smell of His crotch nestled in her nostrils          
she could summon His essence upon a moment's notice            
just by inhaling deeply          
and like presto He would appear          
she snaps back to reality            
as she sees her phone vibrating on her desk        
well speak of the devil          
it's a text message from Him          
a haiku          
His perverted version of one anyway          
I'll be back tonight          
Hard dick wet tongue and strong hands          
These are my work tools          
THIS muthafucka          
she felt her pussy clench            
as if it wanted to grab onto something...BADLY..          
she looked at the time...11:47 am          
she tapped her fingers on the arm of her chair            
contemplating on tonight's rendezvous          
she looked at the time again          
11:49 am          
then she took a deep breath and            
let out a calming sigh          
she figured she'd go have herself a liquid lunch          
a couple of Margaritas with Patron Silver to calm her nerves          
and think          
first make one phone call          
she'd then leave work a little early and stop by the Pink Pussycat          
to pick up a lil' somthin special for tonight          
for the role she would assume for him          
yes she confided internally          
tonight will be very interesting          
a game changer indeed....          
Written by Naajir
Published | Edited 22nd Jan 2023
Author's Note
repost from Nov 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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