Image for the poem Soft Kisses Tossed In The Wind

Soft Kisses Tossed In The Wind

“Steffen, the man dressed in the beige suit...”

“Sig. Moran? What about him?”

Steffen placed his palm on the base of Isabella’s back while they moved up the first flight of stairs.

“He has a very unusual problem of staring; he stared at me from the time he arrived until the time he left.”

“Sig. Moran brought it to my attention you resemble someone from his past. He asked me to inform you he would like to do a photo shoot on you. I gathered Sig. Moran wanted to speak to you on a more personal level. That is until I forewarned him your company and time is well spent.”

Isabella stopped on the last step and pivoted around to face Steffen.

“By whom?”

“By me of course,” Steffen vowed.

“This brings me to my next question. What type of relationship do we have?”

“You know Isabella?”

“No, I do not know please enlighten me.”

“I’m sure you are aware how I feel about you?”

“How can I Steffen we have never openly discussed it before.”

“I do admire you a lot; you are a special womon in my life, who I care not to share with anyone else.”

“Is that all you can say, is you admire me a lot. I would like to know, is this relationship progressing?”

“Somewhat.” Steffen became serious. “Look Isabella, can we postpone this discussion until later. At this moment, all I want to do is make passionate love to you all night long, and hear you moan out my name.”

Steffen kissed Isabella on the side of her neck.

Isabella held Steffen’s chest at bay; she looked up into his piercing ebony-colored eyes.

“Later then,” Isabella counseled.

“Okay,” Steffen agreed.

Isabella did get a shower, and as predicted. Steffen never lathered her up completely.

Steffen tickled Isabella under her breast.

“You stop that.” Isabella laughed giddily. “Baby, that tickles.”

“I know it does, I couldn’t help it. I always like to see your eyes dance with excitement.”

Steffen positioned himself on top of Isabella; he suckled on one breast and gently squeezed the other. He captured the other breast between his lips and teased the nipple into a peak. His tongue made a trail down to her navel he bypassed down farther.

Steffen placed Isabella’s hands at her sides. He kissed her in a secret cove, many men can only imagine about, but by fate, he gets to taste first hand.

Steffen sampled and teased his fetish goal. He licked up and down the haven to Isabella's womanhood.

Isabella locked the back of Steffen’s head within her palms. She gyrated her pelvis up and down against his mouth.

“Oh Steffen, I love you,” Isabella moaned out as she threw her head back against the soft feather pillow.

She glued her palms to the sides of Steffen’s cheeks; she impetuously guided each twisted heated movement of his oral inclination.

“Oh baby…Steffen.”

Steffen’s tongue twisted inside of Isabella’s pussy. He withdrew his tongue, spit on her clitoris, and then teased the soft extension between hip lips. He rocketed his tongue back inside her cunt; the sweetness center of a moisten dessert welcomed his tongue.

Steffen palmed Isabella's buttocks, pulled her pelvis forward into his face, and nourished the feelings of her moaning sensations.

"Oh…shit…you know what you are doing. Oh baby," Isabella uttered in the back of her throat.

Her head sprung up and down from off the pillow.

"Oh...yes...right there."

Isabella pressed down on top of Steffen's head. She covered a breast and squeezed it.

Her vaginal muscles entombed Steffen’s tongue. Her vaginal excess slithered around his tongue.


Isabella’s last coherent thought, this has to be love.

Steffen's mouth absorbed her liquidly climax.

“Steffen, I...I need you inside of me,” Isabella feverishly moaned out. Her vaginal muscles continued to uphold miniature convulsions.

“Yes my love.”

Steffen repositioned himself on top of Isabella and eagerly horde his engorged member deep inside her with a mad force. He manifested the feeling with his body he cannot relate with words, not now, maybe not ever.

Isabella’s pelvis region met Steffen’s thrust for push; she scratched his back in physical intemperance. She wrapped her limbs around his back, and then lightly bit his chest.

“I love you...”

Isabella climaxed as her teeth sank deeper into Steffen’s skin.

“Isabella..., you feel, I want you to have my..., my..., last..., breath.”

Steffen threw his head back and discharged a current of his life’s energy inside Isabella’s womanhood. His ejaculation merged into her climax.

“Fuck, my love.”

Steffen gripped Isabella’s skin.

Some of his essence filtered out onto her downy hairs.

The repeated penetrating of Steffen’s taut dick inside the orifice of Isabella’s pussy brought another violent surge of his pearly seed.

“Oh my love.”

Steffen cried out followed by several murmurs in Italian. He bent downward; kissed a breast, and then slumped on top of Isabella’s body. He kissed the side of her neck. He inched back and looked down into her eyes.

"Sei molto bella Isabella, sarei andata persa senza di te".

Steffen kissed Isabella on her lips, withdrew his dick, and slid off her. He settled his presence near hers.

Two sweltered bodies laid side-by-side, physically exhausted beyond relief.

Steffen and Isabella’s irregular breathing reverted to a normal rhythm.

Each one silently basked in the aftermath of contented languish lovemaking, mixed with drops of erogenous sex, a challenging combustible combination to both.

Isabella’s breathing pattern ultimately settled.

"Come here."

Steffen collected Isabella in his arms.

Isabella blanketed her face on top of Steffen’s chest wall.

“Your heart is still racing, I do wonder why?” Isabella gloated.

“Hum, I’m wondering why also,” Steffen stated. “I have an idea, here let me show you.” Steffen supported his upper torso and then positioned his body back on top of Isabella’s body.

The third physical clandestine rapture of their lovemaking felt everlasting then the first, and the second.

“I could stay on top of you forever my love.”

“Not a bad idea,” Isabella pitched in.

“Lucky for you Signorina Tramaine I have an early flight to catch.”

Steffen slid off Isabella’s body sideways and positioned himself on his elbow. He twirled a lock of Isabella’s hair around his finger then kissed a languid nipple.

“Yes, that’s right. Your overseas convention and business launch takes place tomorrow. Is your speech prepared?”


“Good. Now is your luggage all packed?”

“This is affirmative Signorina Tramaine.”

Steffen knew before tonight was over. He would ask Isabella to accompany him for his special occasion.

Isabella stroked Steffen’s chest wall, and then kissed it.

“I wonder how it will be once we get married.”

Isabella kissed Steffen on his lips and then his neck.

Steffen’s whole body went rigid; his talking and smiling cease to exist.

Isabella noticed it right off. She inched back and outlined Steffen’s face.

“Is something wrong?”

Isabella found his eyes.

“Marriage.” Steffen laughed. “I do not believe in the concept, or the institution of it.”

Steffen kissed Isabella’s neck.

Isabella pushed Steffen’s chest back.

“Pardon me?”

Steffen sat up and looked down at Isabella.

“I think it’s a pompous belief that I decline not to entertain or chose not to enter into.”

“Well I believe in the concept of marriage. Isn’t that the next step?”

“I have never really given this relationship a second thought beyond this bed.”

Isabella in return positioned herself upright.

“Let me get this straight. I am good enough to bed, but not a thought to wed?”

“Isabella, I did not say that. Come my love; let’s not ruin a perfect moment.”

“I do have my standards Steffen.”

“Belle, what is so displeasing with the relationship we have now?”

“Nothing, it’s fine. I just assumed you wanted more, like marriage...”

“Kids…?” Steffen finished for her.

“Yes, maybe one or two.”

“Nice scenario my love, wrong mon,” Steffen bitterly rejoined.

“Are you kidding?”

Isabella questioned Steffen’s eyes.

“I’m fucking deadly serious.”

Steffen threw the cover back and jumped out the bed. He begin to search for his discarded clothes.

Isabella threw the covers back and rose out the bed. She amalgamated him in her quest for her clothes.

She stepped back into her black sequin Vera Wang evening gown she zipped herself from the back.

Neither spoke for the moment.

“I’ll be downstairs.”

Steffen left Isabella behind to finish dressing.

Isabella walked into the living room.

Steffen did not hear Isabella’s approach, but smelled her perfume.

“Isabella, It never once crossed my mind you will want marriage or kids. I suppose you want the white picket fence also?”


Steffen rotated.

“Have you ever considered the fact, if I want these things as well?”

“Well, do you Steffen?”

“Yes, but not right now. I am not ready for such a final commitment.”

“When Steffen, just for the asking.”

“I do not know Isabella.”

Isabella walked over to the bar; she poured herself a non-alcoholic drink.

“We have a problem here Isabella. I am very fond of you and that is as serious as it gets.”

“Fond of me. You make it sound like you are referring to a favorite toy. Steffen; I am a young woman who has needs.”

“Which get fulfilled, I might add.”

“Well I need more. Not just physical gratification when we come together. We have sex from my standpoint.”

“Correction, we make love Isabella. You sound like an immature child. No one believes in that conventional theory of boy meets girl, fall in love, and marriage will be the next step. It’s a sham principle to me.”

“Well Steffen Galeio, I for one still and always will believe in that sham principle.”

“Isabella, of all the times we have been in each other’s company. I never once asked you your present age. Not that it matters to me in the least. Although, I estimated your age to be about eight years less than mine. This would place your age to be around twenty-eight. Please reassure me Isabella my calculation is not far off.”

“Actually Steffen, your calculation is way off. I just turned twenty-two this May.”

Maledizione, Twenty-two,” Steffen repeated.

The age difference appalled him. The realization of her revelation struck him to the core.

Steffen slicked his palm back through his hair.

“You are practically still a young womon. How could I have been taken in by a chi...?”

“Woman, in every sense of the word Mr. Galeio,” Isabella spoke out in her own defense.

“Yes, this is true. Pardon my poor choice of a title. I wish I was informed about this information before…”

“Before what Steffen? If you had known my age in the beginning would it have changed anything between us?”

Steffen continued as if Isabella never spoke, “Before we, before I let this relationship progress this far, which is about to end,” he added.

Isabella knew this time was destined to come, but not this soon, and under different circumstances.

“Therefore, with what I know. It makes this situation much easier for me to handle. Maybe it would be best.”

“Steffen, if you are ending this relationship due to my age, save the argument. I do not think age is an issue here. Is it the thought of marriage that scares you?”

“Isabella my love. If you could only glimpse into my world. It gets lonely at times. The type of relationship you want is not what I am willing to offer you. You would have to deal with me spending weeks out of town, the business contracts I have to negotiate, and the mental stress of the business aspect in general. The undisturbed relationship we have now is perfect to me. You are like a safe haven for me to, relate, relax, and release. Anything else beyond that may be damaging for us.”

“Are those the only reasons you have occupied my time?”

Steffen looked at Isabella and then looked down.

“What happen to the times we’ve enjoyed in each other’s company?”

“I do not know if you are aware of the fact, but there is a tremendous age difference between us?”

“Yes fourteen to be exact,” Isabella inserted the relevant.

Now that she did know his age, it did not hinder her, or lessen her feelings for him.

Isabella knew she was a capable woman, who could maintain her own. She only hoped it would not be too late, before Steffen realized it as well.

“The age span is something neither you nor I can ignore. I am a thirty-six year old red-blooded Italian mon, who is in the prime throne of my life. Where you are imagining fairy tale endings. My standpoint of view is. I have plenty of time to, laugh, love, live, and feel. I have yet to experience any of these endeavors after meeting you; I do not mean to sound condescending, but truthfully. I’m not ready to be ceremoniously dragged down some alter to make an honest donna out of you.”

“Pardon me? Honest woman.”

In the past, this is the moment where he would have excused his choice of words. Steffen added nothing.

Isabella was hurt; she could not believe the progress of the evening, his cruel analysis of their relationship, or his firm perspective about commitment.

This conversation was nearing down to the bare essence of each one’s verbal analysis of their predicament.

Isabella placed her glass down on the bar’s marble surface top, and went to take a seat on the couch. She prepared herself for the unexpected.

“Without further ado, it’s time we part company.”

Steffen finally spoke the words Isabella’s ears have been dreading to hear for some time now. He did not even acknowledge the fact that two people make a relationship, or ask how she felt about his decision. She loved him dearly, and she sensed he cared for her also.

Isabella wondered did Steffen prepare his speech well in advance. It sounded too practiced to her ears.

“Please try to understand Isabella; I know you may not now, but one day. You will come to realize I made the right decision for us both. You are truly a very beautiful, intelligent, and desirable womon whom any mon would feel pride to be associated with.”

“Steffen, you’re telling me this testimony implies to all men besides yourself?”

“Correct,” Steffen, agreed.

He already stated earlier, he had plenty of time to, laugh, love, live, and feel. Therefore, what did he refer their relationship too? A sexual liaison? Isabella questioned herself on a subconscious level.

At least he finally admitted how he really felt about her. Then to have her continue to assume it was more to them than what meets the eye.

Isabella did not want to come to grips with the fact that all their time spent together was only sex and no thought of ever-expressing love. Dammit, her mind cried. Now she felt somewhat hurt. She did not fully comprehend the excuse Steffen was giving her. She assumed he was becoming intimidated that commitment was knocking at his heart’s door, and he was fighting tooth and nail not to permit its entrance.

If she was right in her assumption, then who was she to stand in his way.

Isabella knew Steffen may abuse her feelings in his quest for what, his freedom, and besides she was too conservative in her way of thinking to be labeled an emotionally distraught woman.

“Here let me see if I understand you correctly. You are not that man whom you have outfitted for me?”

“No,” Steffen said quickly without hesitation.

Isabella’s heart sank into disparage with each heartbeat.

“Isabella, you deserve so much more, and I am not that person who is in the position to give it to you. You want the happily ever after ending. I am so sorry my love I cannot deliver that. This is it.” Steffen turned around, and looked out the window.

Silence spoke.

Isabella have sat and heard all she could endure.

“Goodbye Steffen.”

She did not sit a minute longer to see if he heard her or not. She had to leave here. She needed to heal her emotional wounds in solitude.

With Steffen’s back turned. Isabella moved toward the door with one purpose in mind, leaving.

Steffen turned around; he was swiftly on Isabella’s heels. He grabbed her by the upper arm.

“Where do you think you are going this time of evening?”

Isabella turned around. She snatched her arm away.

“Home, I would have imagined that was oblivious. You have said what you had to say. I listened, I responded, and now I am leaving.”

“You’re leaving just like that, what; you have nothing more to add?”

“Would it matter? You have so clearly put your non-commit mental point of view in a perspective ordinance. May I also say it’s without merit. For that reason, as I speak, my whereabouts, comings, and goings are no concern of yours Mr. Galeio.”

“Back to last names again? It was Steffen earlier let it remain so.”

He more so told her than asked.

Steffen slicked his hand back through his hair.

“What would you do if you were in my place?”

Steffen folded his arms over his chest wall.

“I would just this once, listen to my heart.”

Steffen heard the plea in Isabella’s voice.

Steffen noticed Isabella’s emerald-colored eyes for the first time tonight; they were so lucid and so alive earlier. Now he saw watchfulness, on guard. In a way, it took him by surprise.

“And you don’t think I haven’t over and over again.”

Isabella sighed.

“Well since you are so sure of your logical self-reasoning. Consequently, this is where we stand. I suppose this is the part where I say goodbye Steffen, see you around.”

Isabella smiled. Somehow her comment made Steffen smile, it was pleasant and quick.

Steffen continued to hold Isabella's eyes.

No one wanted to be the first to say goodbye.

Isabella surprised Steffen. She leaned up and kissed him tenderly on his lips.

Steffen reached out to embrace Isabella's waist.

Isabella stepped back.

“Goodbye Mr. Galeio.”

She turned around and walked to the door. She reached down for the brass doorknob and opened the entry door.

“Before you leave.” Steffen’s voice was getting faint, which meant he was closing in from behind Isabella thought.

“I must inform you my chauffeur is indisposed as we speak, and the weather seems to be taking on a rather dangerous course for anyone to attempt to drive in.”

The Atlantic Ocean whipped furiously against the ocean shorefront, which warned Steffen of an imminent severe thunderstorm.

“I will have to drive myself. May I borrow your Jaguar?”

“Negative on that request. I do not recommend you driving alone in your state of mind; I prefer it if you will remain here throughout the rest of the evening and night.”

The booming sound of thunder made its unsettling presence known.

“No thank you, I do not think that will be advisable.”

Steffen wanted to reach out and touch Isabella’s hair one last time.

“I will wait outside until the limousine arrives. Goodbye Steffen and good luck to you.”

Isabella opened the front door. She looked for the presence of Steffen’s limousine.

The consistent down pour of rain obscured both of their view.

“It’s totally dark out there,” Steffen conveyed. He narrowed his vision to peer into the night.

Isabella could not make out anything geographical either.

The only light that casted a shadow illuminated from a statue posted in a lit fountain centered within the circular driveway.

Steffen moved within inches of Isabella’s turned back. He rested his palm over the base of her spine, and unconsciously glided it up and down her back while both looked out into the rainfall.

Isabella pivoted her head. She stared into Steffen’s ebony-colored eyes.

You could feel it in the air, the emotional and physical restraint each tried to suppress, better yet control.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, “It’s a repetitious habit,” Steffen slowly dragged his palm downward; he caressed over Isabella’s derričre before moving it away.

“Thank you Mr. Galeio.” She thought that title sounded fitting, until she saw a stormy expression etch across his face. “Steffen,” Isabella corrected herself.

“That’s much better,” testified Steffen.

“Steffen, how long does a constant downpour of this nature last?”

“It can continue for hours.”

“For hours,” Isabella gasped.

The wind current shifted. Raindrops reached Isabella’s face.


Isabella laughed as she wiped her face.

Steffen closed the front door. He grabbed a hold of Isabella’s hand and both returned inside. Steffen closed the entry door. He slammed a missed opportunity for her to leave him and his historical museum he called home, although, she had to admit. It was a beautiful home, and so peaceful to experience an emotion called loneliness.

Isabella removed her hand from Steffen’s clutch.

“Belle, there are plenty of bedrooms here. We can leave out in the morning. My chauffeur will then dispose you to any destination you desire. I presume home,” Steffen conferred. “Agreed.” Steffen held out his hand to Isabella.

Isabella looked down at Steffen’s hand.

“We can even shake on it.”

For what Isabella thought, a last touch?”

Steffen leaned forward. “I don’t bite,” he whispered in her ear.

God have mercy the man smelled so good she thought.

“Agreed.” Isabella shook Steffen’s hand, dropped her hand, and then stepped back. “In the meantime, I will be on the fourth floor; it has such a spectacular overview from one of the bedrooms we toured earlier.”

Isabella’s body brushed pass Steffen’s body, her perfume dawdled close behind.

Steffen inhaled instantly, nostalgia welcomed his last thought of her and him being together, and that particular fragrance when worn.

The aroma was enough to stir hidden emotions in him.

Isabella stopped and called over her shoulder.

“Goodbye Steffen Galeio and goodnight.”

“Goodnight belle.”

“Isabella Tramaine,” she corrected him.

Steffen watched Isabella depart his company with pride and dignity. He saw the hurt in her eyes, the one emotion he did not care to see in her face, but it was good she was comfortable with the final resolution. She was no young child. The beautiful giovane donna who stood her ground, deserves her true nature title, a donna he thought.

Steffen’s penetrating eyes followed the movement of Isabella’s soft French curls, which hung loosely down her back, the array moved from side-to-side as she escalated the steps.

The black sequin evening gown she had on was designed to be worn only by her, and only her. It was also the very same black evening gown she continued to get compliments on throughout his dinner engagement. Even some of his male business associates pestered him for a quick introduction of the hostess. He overheard some of his financial advisors making lewd wagers on who would have Isabella on her back before evening’s end.


Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
This is a chapter ripped out of one of my published novels

All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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