Image for the poem Pulse


I seek the form
the modern


I want to know

As input

For writer
for reader





of the


* *   *

(I was thinking about what might truly be a form of the modern age, which would be best to reach the modern mind.  I wondered if a chosen, poetic form is of any consequence.  Does the network construct make any difference to the electricity, that is channeled by the Poet/ess?

If there is no difference, then any network design will suffice.  And if any design will suffice, then the above mentioned, modern form, if such a thing exists, might be of interest?

I though of how we are technological based.  I thought of how technology is computer chip based.  I thought about how the message is the medium.  I thought about how the medium is technology.  

I thought of how the minds of the many are shaped by technology/computer chip.  (Perhaps unconsciously.)

…  And in this way, a “computer chip form” might be most effective?

I think that the computer chip has as much a background presence as 1’s & 0’s.

So much so, that it shapes the mind into the nature of a computer chip, or…  Perhaps awakens a structure that was already there, always.

This idea strikes me like a very bright light.

…  I was also thinking of an exchange I had with LDF, pertaining to the diminishing readers of poetry.

I believe that, similar to the idea of an inherent presence of a computer chip structure, there is an inherent presence of a deep love of poetry, within every human mind.

(Which in most cases, perhaps, needs to be awakened?)

Maybe this is crazy as hell?..  

but I saw a guy who had just started writing who posted short snippets of poetry on IG and developed a large following, who considered such a medium as a “gateway drug” to poetry, being of a similar mind, believing that the love of poetry is inherent.

It is more than a love of poetry…  It is a love of magic.  

Think of a funeral.  The priest reads from the Psalms of Solomon, and there are people present who have never heard such a thing, and it sweeps across their souls, like wings over the surface of waters.

…  Or a lover who receives and reads the first poem they have ever read or received…  The response.

I know I am not the first to aggrandize poetry in such a way.

(and it ended in tears, as so many things do.)

…  When I was in prison I did this thing, where a group of students from the University of Michigan came to the prison for a 400 level Sociology/Psychology class.

They were a wonderful group of people, and a close bond was formed between them and us.

At the end each person wrote a letter to someone else in the class, based on a drawing that we did.

…  The person who wrote a letter to me, who I was great friends with, included this quote:

“Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone will be a living thing, asserting itself with ever-growing insistency.” - Daniel Burnham

(I think that the best form is that which most enhances the function of the idea.)
Written by Cipher_O (WarlordoftheWrittenWord)
Author's Note
*. *.  *
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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