
written May 25th, 2021

I want to weep
for all those lost

I rend my garments
for those without hope

I tear at my hair
for those in pain now

I bow my head
for those who will hurt
(which is all of us)

my lamentation sings out
so they know they are not alone

my words rise up
as my tears spill down
onto the page

let my tears - this lamentation
purchase a moment of relief from the gods
for the lost, without hope
hurting and in pain

the gift of one
deep sweet breath
filled with peace.
Written by senid
Author's Note
Presumptuous of me, but I would if I could, make my grief be worth something to someone. Not sure about the category or themes for this poem.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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