
Stumbling into the darkness, swallowed by the night
All I can hear is my own echoing cries

Fear encompassing every ounce of my being
Frantically looking, but never seeing

What's out there, I cannot tell
All I know is it's where the fears dwell

Trying to escape from what's deep inside
Realizing I can run but can never hide

Hysterically searching for a way out
Finding it's useless to scream or shout

For the darkness seems to mocks my cries
Repeating back to me my own replys

I feel it coming, I know it's there
Hiding deep inside my own nightmare

Theres no escape, no way to survive
No outcome for which I'm alive

Nothing but shadows filling this space
Knowing this is my own true fate

Hiding in the darkness, void of light
For it's the only way to stay out of sight
Written by Secret_poet
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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