Our souls

Are we losing ourselves in the winds of life
Are we running away from what we become
Is it hard , is it not, it's hard to decide
When you're asking for more while falling apart

And the wind never stops till you're high above ground
And it tears you apart with memories of death
Something deep inside is starting to cry
As you start to fall and take one last breath

The crash is shattering remains of your soul
The sprinkles are scattered among blooming world
And no one did witness beauty of your fall
And no one picks up the pieces forlorn

Is that how it ends? With silence and rain?
Is this how we end? Not knowing the price
The cost of our life is all of this pain
And maybe it all won't even suffice

But what's done is done, no going back
No repairing souls with tubes of glue
Only memory of us is intact
And remembering those souls is all we can do
Written by Crimrosse
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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