Carrion Destiny

These forgotten remnants of expression,
Have transpired into a self prophecy , a serendipitous ruin
Stacks of lined paper regrets , lying in a supine , sacramental way
Foretelling the inevitable completion of ignorance that has plagued my now-a-days, for a seemingly unending duration of personal despondence
Dis-associated commitments of progression reverberating their invigorating chorus of profound worthlessness

What have I achieved through this exemplary theme ?
Naught but a vain attempt at conceiving an organic excuse to pursue the ineffable wanderings of my own futile attempt at reconciliation
Trembling unwaveringly to the brutal and ruthless condemnation of judgement itself

What I have perceived as ethereal serenity , could just as easily be contorted into another's like-minded acceptance of apparent sondererance
This constitution of probable outcome leaves me feeling faintly useless and left aquiver to the incomprehensible extremities of what we cannot adhere to
Nervously existing within the sonorous landscape of laugh-track normalities
Becoming intoxicated by the aftermath of fumes bellowing out from the potent petrichor of what has descended through fate's imminent mandate
Written by ElrondSirfalas
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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