Image for the poem The Unraveling

The Unraveling

off road my soul wandered
alone searching the furthest reaches of space
for a deeper connection

somewhere in me
I know we are not meant for this exiled isolation
being gifted only for brief moments
that inner fulfillment

beings answered my calling
revealing we are but children
their hybrid offspring

they showed me how they connect mind to mind
that sex of the flesh is fulfilling and deeply pleasurable
but allowed me to taste
an orgy if you will of the internal being

giving me vision of how I actually appear
minus the flesh that sometimes gets in the way
I have orgasm-ed sitting in public
with a type of sex my human mind can't possibly explain

it's a taste, a flavor
it's being filled inside your soul
from your head to your toes

they tap into your secret desires
telepathic in nature there is no hiding from them
they probe your mind deep
until both you and they understand
fact from fiction within you

they free you from prudish views
unleashing your spirit
inviting it into the decadence of true carnal pleasures

be careful with them though
they love to feed their hunger
eating from your plate
they are ravenous to share in your human experience
highly evolved some dutiful, beautiful and kind
others quite demented eat off depravities devilish point of view

awakened for a moment
I've gratefully gone back to sleep
it was an awe inspiring experience
but i'll gladly go back to my television pacifier
within its comforting plots
without hidden messages being beamed in

campers in pampers
coexisting with ever evolving entities
much more aware than us
I take from the experience, this
is some how they need us
we are the spice to their otherwise bland existence

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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