
Two weeks have passed since that night
And since then I haven't tried to die
But the thought still sits in the back of my mind
Its there so why lie?
Why try to hide?
The thoughts inside my head
Voices whisper sweet nothings into my ears,
As death invites me into his bed.
Why fight his tempting call,
A voice sugar sweet?
Why go on living like this,
When our souls begs for the chance to meet.
Death is something most fear,
Seen as an inevitable end.
But what if its just the beginning,
Of an eternity spent with a new friend.
Death calls out to me,
Silky smooth voice too quiet for most to hear.
Death draws me into his arms,
Whispering sweet nothings into my ear.
Come with me forever,
The plea filled with desire.
Why say no?
I step into its fire...
Written by sweetdevil (CortneyB)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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