Survival of the Fittest ( but which is fit?)

They say those who adapt to constant changes of environment are the ones,  
truly fit to survive.
But what is being "fit?"
One who bows to the one with power?
Letting self go below their evils for sake of survival...
The other who goes against, because the evil
which the one with power intents to spread, in his/her mind, isn't ethical...
We're talking survival here. Survival only.
Consider a situation in North Korea.
That piece of shit dictator has stupid amount of power  
(in thanks to his daddy and pops).
He has girls. A school to especially educate
young girls to grow up to be his personal/military whore
(taking the prettiest for himself).
Would it be considered smarter to just go with his greed?  
And become... their personal slut?
Living life as a belonging
As a girl, knowing his ideas are corrupt
go in hiding
to save young girls from their nasty pit  
sending, freeing them to a different country...
Now, we all know option2 is much more risky and considered "honorable"
yet if we're talking "fitness" here,
then isn't option2 considered to be "unfit?"
leaving 1... the "fit"
But we can also think of it this way:
the person who adapted option2 was aware of corruptness
so she was "adapting" to change fates of young girls...
Yet still,
1 was aware of situation of who is in power
so she simply went for what's "best" for her security.
They both adapted...
but isn't this called the "survival of the fittest?" live on...continue life...
Yet, those who stand against for the "better"
their memories are left with their deeds.
Isn't that still living?
Just in mind?
The ones who bow down are forgotten easily,
because one classify them as "insignificant."
So, they die in minds.
Not "fit" to live...
But what is truly living?
Living as in physical form, breathing, alive.
Living as in minds of others
their legend being passed down even after death of form.
Survival of the fittest...
Who survived more?
(Remember, this is not a matter of dignity or accomplishments,
it's about the idea to "live" and "survive")
I guess... in the end
it's about how each individuals decides to survive and live life itself.
In what is living...

How do you wish to survive?
Written by SourMelon0313 (H)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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