No way out.

There is a lonely island in the middle of the sea that I know. It is a dark place tastelessly sweet, and repulsively seducing. I have been there many times before. I open my eyes and find myself its prisoner. Its own captive to draw me to it in my dreams, she anxiously hopes that I might not escape. She wishes to confine me with thick despair which wraps around my heart. I collapse to the sandy earth while flashes of light from the clouds far away grow closer. My fingers bury into the grains which are as fine powder from glass that has been ground. The tips begin to bleed. My helpless eyes behold the endless ocean of black liquid expanding all directions. The depth thereof is mere the length of a mans hand, but I dare not tread as it has no end. I am engulfed by despair who is void of sympathy for my frightened mind. There is no way out. The faint odor of things decaying is brought to me by the steady but fading wind, now a whisper to my nostrils. I must break free from this place.  

The dead ones are calling for me, for me to swell in death as they are. The fallen ones. The ones who guard the subterranean jails of those awaiting the White Throne.  If I lay my head down to sleep, I may not rise again. I am ever in bitter anguish within my heart. I feel alone.

A breath inside of me animates my resolve, to leave this place. My eyes behold the truth that I have glorious hope. The world is hell for the saved and heaven for the lost. I can not wait. I can not wait for perfection. The respiration of my cells will function in one accord. We will do our Masters will. Two great commands. We shall love God, and we shall love the inhabitants of the earth.
Written by chrishansen
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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