Image for the poem Memento Mori

Memento Mori

Don't look now, beyond mortality's inequitable shambles
For the hourglass drains in a ring of guttering candles
Focus forwards, whilst time is a concept of linear motion
And ponder not that you might be the next one chosen

Rainbows rising, blue skies, the blossom sprawling
Let the songbirds chorus be your only calling
Catch the breeze and bathe in the glory of sun-kissed days
And dwell on the ethereal, but not the words of knaves

Lead your life, for there is no need to follow
For what's here today, maybe gone tomorrow
Spring into summer, for you'll fall into winter
Beam with true awe and never settle for a simper

For all too soon you'll take note of the fog that's forming
And you'll learn to fear the raven and its malevolent cawing
When forever is never, then what are the seasons; four
The fifth is the silence that darkness obscures

Time is a privilege, that is given, until reclaimed by remotion
But on the cusp of the void you'll be alone and the only one chosen
To be cast adrift, an intangible shade, in a sea of shadows
An empty space in the depths, beyond life's ebbing shallows

Don't look now, just contemplate, memento mori
Knowing there'll be no escape, for you are mortality's quarry
So lead your life without angst, or any oppressive sorrow
For what's here for you today cannot possibly follow
Written by Xaphan
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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