Man's Walking on the Moon Was Prophesied in the Bible, Do You know Where?

Psalm 8, verse 3, says, "Your heavens [are] the work of Your fingers."    
The next line says the same thing but in different words,    
using, "the moon and the stars" instead of the "heavens."    
(Hebrew poetry is like that - symmetry centered or based).    
Verse 6 continues the thought,    
"You made man to have dominion over the works of Your hands."    
Since the "heavens...the moon and the stars" have already been      
SPECIFIED as such, we can paraphrase that line like this,    
"You made man to have dominion over the moon and the stars!!"    
(Among other things, of course.)    
But just what form will this "dominion" take?    
The next line gives us the answer plainly,    
"You have put all things under Man's feet."    
In short, Man will exercise his God-given "dominion"    
By walking on "the moon and stars."    
Walking on the moon - well, that part      
Of the Prophecy has been fulfilled already.    
"Stars" at the time that David wrote this psalm, 3000 years ago,    
included the visible planets orbiting the sun.    
They were called "wandering stars."    
("Planetes" is Greek for "wanderer.")    
So, on one level, when we colonize Mars    
That will be a partial fulfilling of the prophecy      
That Man will walk on the stars.    
But since Mankind will live on Earth      
(and Mars) for the next billion years,    
(Until the sun overheats, becoming a "red giant"),    
Making scientific breakthrus we can't conceive of now,    
We will assuredly gain the power to reach the stars    
Thruout our own galaxy, colonizing them at our leisure,    
For they aren't going anywhere - they're staying put.    
Since the Universe is expanding,    
all the galaxies are zooming away from us,    
So we may never reach them.    
But the 100 billion stars in the Milky Way    
Should keep us occupied indefinitely.    
PS: the Apostle Paul, after quoting from Psalms 8,    
Says,"We don't YET see all things under Christ's feet"(Hebrews 2.8).    
Implying there's MUCH MORE to come !!    
King David definitely didn't have astronauts      
walking on the moon in mind when he wrote Psalm 8,    
But that means NOTHING at all.  
For it is God who wrote it thru His instrument, David.    
So the question is, Did GOD have "the moon and the stars" in mind      
when he wrote of giving Man "dominion over the works of His hands,"    
And "putting all things under Man's feet" ??    
PPS: I spoke of mankind continuing to exist on planet earth "for a billion years."    
You may reply, What about the universe coming to an end    
just 1000 years after the Second Coming?    
(1)"The heavens will pass away with a great noise,    
the Earth shall melt with fervent heat"(2Peter 3.10-13).    
(2)That happens at the end of "the Millennium" (Revelation 21.1).    
(3)And the Millennium(Rev 20) supposedly begins right  
after the Second Coming in Revelation 19.    
That last part, i reject completely.  
The "Millennium" actually IS the Church Age.    
So Christ's Second Coming(Rev 19) is the END of the Millennium.    
So the Millennium layout in Rev 20 is the layout of the Church Age,    
Giving us some idea of how long it will be,at least "a thousand years."    
The destruction of heaven and earth at the end of the Millennium    
is simply the destruction at the end of the Church Age,    
the superficial destruction coming with nuclear war,  
only the SURFACE of the Earth will be "burned up"    
and only in cities hit by nuclear warheads.(Mostly in just America).    
Finally, the "passing away of the heavens with a roar"    
will be fulfilled not by the "2nd heavens" which means    
everything above our atmosphere, namely the whole universe.    
Rather, the first heavens, our atmosphere, - the ozone layer -  
 will wiped out by the nuclear blasts, but only temporarily.    
According to Christian theology,  
The "heavens" are counted in an ascending order,    
Starting at the bottom and going up from there.  
So the atmosphere is the first,  
Secondly,there's "Outer Space"/ the universe.  
Then the "3rd heaven" where God reigns(2 Corinthians 12.2-4).  
There is no higher heaven (the Jews have "seven heavens"???)  
My point is what? That the universe will continue for billions of years.  
Plenty of time in which Mankind can finish God's work of creating the universe -  
at least as far as the galaxy is concerned - we can turn dead planets into living worlds,  
Worlds whirling with lifeforms of every kind !!
PS:An alternative Title would be,
 "Man's Cosmic Destiny is to Colonize the Milky Way Galaxy."    
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 14th Dec 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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