Androgyny: The Perfect State of Being
- Androgyny: The Perfect State of Being -
A Gnostic Revelation and Discourse on the Nature of Androgyny and its’ Importance to the Human Race.
It hath been said, that androgyny is the perfect state of being, and I heartily agree with that assessment. Many, but not all of course, of the difficulties that exist betwixt and also between genders, men and women, are because either there is too much of the one gender in the one, or too little in the other. A man who refuses to recognize the woman within is doomed to a state of imperfection, just as a woman who refuses to see her more profound masculine tendencies is also imperfect. Then what is perfection, and how do we define it? To define is not to dictate, but to study and understand the many intricacies of a thing. Thus, this discourse begins.
I say, that one must strike a balance, deep down within their inner self. For some, the reverse can be a difficult thing to deal with, for in some cases, it is the spiritual matter: a woman's soul trapped in a man's body, and a man's soul trapped in a woman's body. But take heart, and fear not! If you are a woman inside, and a man without, then be as much a woman without, as well as thou art able to be. The same advice, I give without the least hesitation, to man-within-a-woman: be a man, in as much as thou art able. Never ye mind what the world thinks, what society thinks, or what thy imperfect fellows think. All that is of importance is what God thinks; and God loves all, rejecting none, and judging not of such matters as this, despite what some say. God “Himself” cannot be confined to one of any gender. Allah is a name for God with an androgynous meaning, symbolizing a male, yes, but also female! It is also a name that derives from the name of a vastly ancient moon goddess, Al-Lat, which is a secret not known to all. Thus, God to some is Goddess to others! Are we not made in the image of God, who is also therefore Goddess? Then, like God, we must not confine ourselves to the exterior that we are born into, but we must embrace our true self: who and what we are within! To deny ourselves the right to do so, is to deny God “His” / “Her” true nature. To do that, is a blasphemy of the highest order indeed, and thus a true wickedness… and so, we must never deny ourselves that which is goodly and that which is our birthright as children of divinity, and thus as potential divine beings.
Why must beauty be only a word used to define a woman? Why should not a man also strive to be beautiful? God is, without a doubt, beautiful! Both as God, and as Goddess, divine beauty: is both eternal and everlasting. As such, we could call God by the term Goddess, if we so desired, as I hath noted thus far. Why must strength only be a word used to define the nature of a man? Why cannot a woman strive to be strong? God is strong, stronger than the strongest of mountains! As Goddess, would any dare to call such a being weak? Nay! Thusly, we must find a new definition for the word “equality”. It is not enough to say that man and woman are equal! We must also find equality within, as well as without. People need the freedom to become who, and what, they truly are, and not merely what they appear to be… so that they can reach the potential for perfection that God gave them since the beginning of their souls and spirits’ existence. Patriarchal and Matriarchal societies and systems have done great harm to this freedom, by stressing only one of the two facets of the nature of the soul. We need to embrace a new kind of society and system. We shall call this way, Androgynarchy, instead of Patriarchy or the way of Matriarchy. And we shall refer to all relating to it as Androgynarchial. This is the way that the angels live, and how God lives. This is how we should live, as well, being of their blood, their descent, being the Inheritors of their legacy. Hatred, prejudice, and evil intolerance have sought to stave off this necessary stage of Human development and the evolution of the Human Species, but the righteous will never give up, not if they are truly righteous, not if they truly serve God! We shall see this process through, and all that the races of Man have been destined to become, they will become, in the fulfillment of Time and Destiny. Be not afraid of what is coming, be afraid only of stagnation, and thus of evil... for naught is more evil, than for a race to stagnate because it became narrow-minded and lost thus its’ capacity for growth, evolution, and change for the better.
Fear of androgyny is the same as fear of transvestitism and homosexuality. If a man is in fact a woman with a man's appearance, so what? If a woman is in fact a man with the appearance of a woman, so what? At least they are being themselves, and are not afraid to admit it and to show it proudly, in public, and with great courage in the doing! If two people do love each other, for who they are on the inside, in whatever form their bodies have taken, so what if those bodies are of the same gender? Ask them what they see: they see only their true love! Which so brings me to an excellent example of what I am driving at here; let me make this more easily understood, for such things need not be necessarily complicated and as esoteric as some might make it seem. In reality, the matter is quite simple to fathom!
You are a man (or a woman); thou art in love with a woman (or a man). Ye do love thy mate with all thy heart and soul. In the next life, will ye put thy love aside simply due to a change in bodies; would ye put thy love aside over a change in clothes? It is as ridiculous as that. If thou dost love someone, then it is forever, and it is unchanging, even with all of a thousand changes in bodily appearance! This is the nature of true love: that it sees even beyond the illusions of the physical form, into the reality of the soul within. Flesh is only an illusion, and we must never let an illusion dictate who and what we really are, whom we love, and what we do. See not a “transvestite” or a “homosexual”. See only a fellow soul, a fellow being, who is being true to their inner nature, their true self. This is how the True God in fact sees everyone, and so dare we to condemn they who are our equals? Before we can know another, we must know ourselves. What right do we have to judge someone for having done this? This is why androgyny is so important to our development, and rather than being discouraged, it should be highly recommended, as a tool for achieving a pure state of enlightenment and self-knowledge. We shall call this, self-gnosis; the Knowledge Divine that is found only within. They who find it are truly content, desiring little else... for in exploring the complexities of the self, one may find therein the seeds which can grow into divinity with time, love, and great care.
Now we come to a discourse on a name for those who achieve the ultimate state of the androgynous perfection. We shall call this new state of gender awareness by the name of The Third Gender, which we shall term Pure Androgyny, or by the term I favor the most: Human Angels. Now to some of you, this is all mayhap so very alien. But in truth it is not so very alien as all that! Alien things are a part of knowledge, a part of wisdom, and therefore are they a part of us all, like it or not. Consider the most remote of all the angels of Heaven, the Alien Angels. They were born from the blood of the lesser goddess Sophia, She who is not entirely the greater Goddess Sophia, but a smaller aspect of Her Divine self. This is the goddess that the Alien Angels call Achamoth. They are truly alien in all aspects, but this is because they came into being originally from genetic material taken from the lesser Sophia by Herself, and cloned without the material that a male partner can provide. So, in a way, they are our distant kindred, because of a simple reason: Sophia, when in the form of the vastly greater Goddess, took genetic material from Herself, combined it with the material She took from the Light of God, and crossed it with material taken from the Shadow, to then produce the Demiurge, who is the “Father” of all Human flesh. The Demiurge is in “His” true nature, androgynous, whatever form “He” takes aside. When “He” is combined with the True God, “He” is in a state of Transcendent Androgyny, meaning “He”, or “They”, are beyond everything that is known of the traditional state of things, especially genders. But they combine and drift apart so much that it matters not. Only the unity they bring to Heaven remains a constant. Anyhow, the Demiurge was, in fact, the God who created the first true Humans in “His” likeness and image, originally androgynous as the angels are. But when “He” separated the creation “He” made into man and woman, to produce two opposite genders instead of one harmonious physical hermaphroditic species, that was in fact the origin of Mankind's imperfection. That is why we so desire to return to a more androgynous state with such fervor: to undo the imperfections that the Demiurge had in the beginning wrought. As we are the remote kindred of the Aliens of Achamoth, their Mother being our Grandmother, our souls and spirits recall what it is like to be so free... and so the Perfect strive for the further perfection that Humanity once was, and perhaps one day will be again. So what is alien? Let me ask thee this: what is more alien than to be a divided species that denies that it needs unity to evolve? Indeed! This is the lesson that in this discourse I strive to teach: unity is evolution, and tolerance is the way to it... it is telling, that in time the Demiurge lamented the separation of the genders from their original, perfect state, and thereafter set about to teach mankind, under various guises, the way to return to the perfect state of being once again. And so it remains, even unto this very moment! Even a divine being can make mistakes and atone for them. For true perfection can come through striving as much as through succeeding at a thing… and in striving, humanity is never more noble or glorious.
Many people assume that Sodom and the neighbors of that city were destroyed due to the lifestyles of their citizens. This is not true. In fact it is very narrow-minded to assume such a thing! They were, rather in fact, destroyed because some of the citizens of those cities angered the Demiurge when they made threats to “Him”, and unto “His” angels, of a physical and sexual nature. Of course, this was the ultimate sealing of their doom, and their ultimate and infamous sin, but there was more to it even than that, and I shall try to explain it herein: you see, the Demiurge looked upon the citizens of the cities of that region, and saw that so many of them were in possession of a degree of pure, transcendent knowledge that astounded “Him”. Many were wise and goodly people who had nothing to do with the “Rebels” against the Demiurge and “His” attempt to rule as a God over them all. Even some of those who were set against the Demiurge were not of an evil or wicked nature, and were not a part of the groups that had angered the God unto the peoples' doom. Further, androgyny was recognized and tolerated amongst the citizens of those places, and transvestitism was not seen as sinful, nor was homosexuality. Now, at the sight of this, the Demiurge was furious, because “He” was reminded of how “He” had erred in separating the genders, in the beginning. “He” saw the unity of the genders in the people's practices, and was filled with terror that they would one day evolve and become a challenge to “His” sole rule of the region, a tyrannical rule that sought to control every single aspect of a person's life, threatening apocalyptic death to the disobedient. You see, it is important to bear in mind that this “God” was not what we call the True God today. “He” had more in common with the Devil than anything! And so, people saw that this being of absolute terror, like many dictators who possess weapons of mass destruction in the more modern ages, had to be stopped or dealt with in some fashion. (Remember that this was the “God” who went on to bloodily slaughter nearly all of the people of Jericho in a genocidal war unheard of save in the holocausts and “purges” of the modern ages!) The Demiurge was like a terrorist whose demands had not been met, and vowed destruction and death to any and all who defied “Him”. Since the people were of a primitive technological level in the comparison to the Demiurge, small groups got together to fight terror with equal terror. This was the doom of Sodom and all the neighboring cities of it. So the real tragedy was not the sins of the few who opposed the God, but the greed and intolerance of that God as “He” was in those days that made the more radical citizens of those cities feel the need to rise up against “Him”. Today, having been a part of the True God, and having been in the purifying fires of Hell, the Demiurge no longer takes such a negatively active part in Human affairs unto this extent. Human evil is enough today, to do far beyond “His” ancient evils a thousand times over... and as noted previously, the Demiurge lamented the mistake “He” had made in separating the genders and in “His” jealousy of the people of Sodom. And, in learning, that being sought ways to rectify what damage had been done of old! Thus, rather than taking a negative role in human affairs, “He” eventually came to seek to do positive deeds instead, and on more reasonable scale. A soul in balance need never fear that it may one day become jealous of others who are spiritually or otherwise in balance. And where once the Demiurge was imbalanced, that being learned the value of balance ere all was said and done. And we may learn the same, if we choose to be wise!
Have we learned the lessons herein? Look at it politically: if you are a powerful nation, do not be too hasty in telling smaller nations what to do, unless ye can honestly say that thou art all perfect in every way, because in so doing, thou art fast making enemies where none were before. Further, if you terrorize a people or tyrannize a people, thou art making them into the very rebels who will one day oppose thee. And of course, there is one of my personally favorite sayings: terror creates terrorism, and tyranny creates rebellion! This is also true in everyday life, in dealings with thy fellows: that if thou dost follow the way of the True God, the way of peace and love, and tolerance, thou wilt know no conflict. But if thou art like unto how the Demiurge once was, then only conflict can come of thy ways. Say not that thou art of “His” making and so cannot help it! Thy body only is of “His” making, but all Human souls and spirits come from the True God, and were put into the first Humans by the Demiurge only after “He” got them from the True God to start with. We are of the Light, not of the Shadow! We must thusly redefine righteousness, and make it holy once more. Those who speak of righteousness and act with bigotry or hatred know nothing of true righteousness at all… rather they profane themselves with wickedness through hate and narrow-mindedness. Prejudice is one of the worst of all human sins, and the easiest to end before it can begin. Love is the key, compassion is the means to unlock the door, and wisdom is the power to open the door. One need only have the desire to pass through the portal to peace, and peace can be achieved. Naught can ever be achieved through hatred, for one needs an open mind in order to expand one’s consciousness rightly. And it is through just such an expanded consciousness that we can evolve, grow, and change for the better in the ways befitting the descendants of true divinity.
There must never again be such prejudice as to create another tragedy like unto the Holocaust of the Second World War. There must never again be an evil so absolute that in the delusions of the self-righteousness it fills up on, it becomes a minor Dark Demiurge unto itself, capable of bringing death to hundreds, thousands, millions, or billions of lives, for no other reason than that they are different then perhaps you might have expected them to be. The “purges” and the “killing fields” must end, the genocide must cease, the hatred and tyranny that lead to extermination, must itself be annihilated in the soul, in the spirit, in the heart and in the mind. It must never be given life at all, but must be unborn, and if it is born it must be stillborn or aborted so as never to exist! There can never again be a tragedy such as these, and such as what happened at Sodom and at Jericho. No more of these ‘Crusades’ and ‘Jihads’ that give license to such hate and such wicked evils! If ye must fight them, fight them within thyself, against the evil that is within thyself. No more ‘Witch Hunts and Trials’ against innocents! The True God hath spoken, even if only by way of me, the humble servant of the True God. Let all who hath an ear, hear my Word… and let all who hath a love of wisdom, understand my meaning!
All souls are two things in nature, in their original state: innocent, and androgynous. Therefore are all souls perfect in their origins. Thus the old wickedness of the Demiurge is revealed even further in trying to confine these souls into the gender-limited bodies that “He” mistakenly and foolishly split the original perfect Human body into. We do not do our souls honor or glory when we stray from the needs of the spirit; we do but play into the hands of the fleshly illusion, and so sell our souls to the Demiurge of old, and so to the Devil. Listen to thy soul, thy spirit, and do as in the innocence of thy original perfection, thou art drawn therefore to do. Remember my advice, and keep it as a sacred truth: be true to thyself, and be ye true unto the True God, for in falsehood there is no truth. Only illusion. To be trapped in the false, is to be wrapped in illusions. To embrace the inner truths, is to begin to know and understand the outer truths. In knowledge is found wisdom, in wisdom is found the very beginning of that enlightenment that leads to evolution and transcendence beyond what we seem to be, into what we are. Beyond what we are, into what we shall become. In the knowing even of just this, thou dost know all. I bring you, not merely a new way to look at life, but a new way of living life. I bring you, not just a change: but the freedom to now begin making that change, free of guilt or shame, or fear. Embrace that freedom and be thereby content in the knowledge that the True God loves thee with all of “His” / “Her” heart. Be not afraid, even of persecution or death, for even should the evil of others bring thee unto Death this day, then this day thou wilt be with the True God, in Paradise! Blessed are the ones who live in the glory of perfection and in the perfection of God, but blessed too are the ones who die as martyrs for the Faith, for in so doing, they bear testimony and truest witness unto the glory of the True God, everlasting. Yet this is only if, even in their final hours, they continue to be perfect. Only, if they have not become like unto they who so persecute them. Peace and nonviolence are becoming of martyrs. Not suicide masked as martyrdom. Not murder masked as martyrdom. Any Faith that preaches otherwise is a wickedly false doctrine. Any Faith that praises persecution, as well, is a false doctrine. Love, tolerance, and wisdom are amongst the hallmarks of a true doctrine, as my doctrine certainly is.
But this is not a work about martyrs and martyrdom; it is a work about life and living, and growth, evolution, and change on a beautiful level. Beauty is not a vain pursuit if it is not a pursuit solely for superficial gain! Rather, if it is about being true to oneself, then it is blessed and not a work of vanity but of divinity. For what is more divine than seeking to bring out the best in oneself on every level desirable to one’s heart? Be certain always, that what thou dost do, thou dost do because it is what thou dost in thy heart truly desire… and if it harms none, then thusly it is a goodly thing. When the yin and the yang are ever in balance, the positive and the negative furies in the spirit and soul are likewise in balance. When the balance tips too far in either direction, chaos of a non-constructive sort might ensue. And so, to create the necessary order in which chaos can become constructive, one must always be in balance within oneself. Thusly I say unto you, never fail to be true to what is within thy heart, soul, spirit, and mind. If it is desirable to change aught about one’s body to achieve the desired balance, then one should do so. Therefore, I proclaim that God and Goddess: speaks this, unto all mankind… “Blessed are the androgynous, the hermaphroditic, the transgender, and the transvestite, as much as all who are good are blessed! For they are true to themselves in all things.” And indeed, such are the very living images of the Divine Force of the Universe, that same Force which is God and Goddess… for they are beyond the ordinary conceptions of gender. They are like unto the angels, and are therefore divine indeed! In ancient times, this was recognized, celebrated, and held to be a sacred truth. It is becoming so again, and that is good. For it means, that positive change is at hand as mankind evolves towards increasingly beautiful and divine levels of being and thereby expanded states of consciousness. And naught is more beautiful, I daresay!
I have looked upon the world, even today, and I have seen the plight of the course it is set upon. I can lead thee away from Hell, but only if thou dost embrace the higher truths of Heaven. Ye have heard my Word upon all of these matters, so as that thou wilt in later times not have to wonder what it is that I have said of them. Know then, but be not thus surprised to discover, that I do not see things as Man doth typically see them. I see things as God doth see them. Perhaps one day, all can say as much. I pray for that day! For in that day, all shall be changed and true glory shall be the birthright of all who live and exist. Amen, and Blessed Be.
A Gnostic Revelation and Discourse on the Nature of Androgyny and its’ Importance to the Human Race.
It hath been said, that androgyny is the perfect state of being, and I heartily agree with that assessment. Many, but not all of course, of the difficulties that exist betwixt and also between genders, men and women, are because either there is too much of the one gender in the one, or too little in the other. A man who refuses to recognize the woman within is doomed to a state of imperfection, just as a woman who refuses to see her more profound masculine tendencies is also imperfect. Then what is perfection, and how do we define it? To define is not to dictate, but to study and understand the many intricacies of a thing. Thus, this discourse begins.
I say, that one must strike a balance, deep down within their inner self. For some, the reverse can be a difficult thing to deal with, for in some cases, it is the spiritual matter: a woman's soul trapped in a man's body, and a man's soul trapped in a woman's body. But take heart, and fear not! If you are a woman inside, and a man without, then be as much a woman without, as well as thou art able to be. The same advice, I give without the least hesitation, to man-within-a-woman: be a man, in as much as thou art able. Never ye mind what the world thinks, what society thinks, or what thy imperfect fellows think. All that is of importance is what God thinks; and God loves all, rejecting none, and judging not of such matters as this, despite what some say. God “Himself” cannot be confined to one of any gender. Allah is a name for God with an androgynous meaning, symbolizing a male, yes, but also female! It is also a name that derives from the name of a vastly ancient moon goddess, Al-Lat, which is a secret not known to all. Thus, God to some is Goddess to others! Are we not made in the image of God, who is also therefore Goddess? Then, like God, we must not confine ourselves to the exterior that we are born into, but we must embrace our true self: who and what we are within! To deny ourselves the right to do so, is to deny God “His” / “Her” true nature. To do that, is a blasphemy of the highest order indeed, and thus a true wickedness… and so, we must never deny ourselves that which is goodly and that which is our birthright as children of divinity, and thus as potential divine beings.
Why must beauty be only a word used to define a woman? Why should not a man also strive to be beautiful? God is, without a doubt, beautiful! Both as God, and as Goddess, divine beauty: is both eternal and everlasting. As such, we could call God by the term Goddess, if we so desired, as I hath noted thus far. Why must strength only be a word used to define the nature of a man? Why cannot a woman strive to be strong? God is strong, stronger than the strongest of mountains! As Goddess, would any dare to call such a being weak? Nay! Thusly, we must find a new definition for the word “equality”. It is not enough to say that man and woman are equal! We must also find equality within, as well as without. People need the freedom to become who, and what, they truly are, and not merely what they appear to be… so that they can reach the potential for perfection that God gave them since the beginning of their souls and spirits’ existence. Patriarchal and Matriarchal societies and systems have done great harm to this freedom, by stressing only one of the two facets of the nature of the soul. We need to embrace a new kind of society and system. We shall call this way, Androgynarchy, instead of Patriarchy or the way of Matriarchy. And we shall refer to all relating to it as Androgynarchial. This is the way that the angels live, and how God lives. This is how we should live, as well, being of their blood, their descent, being the Inheritors of their legacy. Hatred, prejudice, and evil intolerance have sought to stave off this necessary stage of Human development and the evolution of the Human Species, but the righteous will never give up, not if they are truly righteous, not if they truly serve God! We shall see this process through, and all that the races of Man have been destined to become, they will become, in the fulfillment of Time and Destiny. Be not afraid of what is coming, be afraid only of stagnation, and thus of evil... for naught is more evil, than for a race to stagnate because it became narrow-minded and lost thus its’ capacity for growth, evolution, and change for the better.
Fear of androgyny is the same as fear of transvestitism and homosexuality. If a man is in fact a woman with a man's appearance, so what? If a woman is in fact a man with the appearance of a woman, so what? At least they are being themselves, and are not afraid to admit it and to show it proudly, in public, and with great courage in the doing! If two people do love each other, for who they are on the inside, in whatever form their bodies have taken, so what if those bodies are of the same gender? Ask them what they see: they see only their true love! Which so brings me to an excellent example of what I am driving at here; let me make this more easily understood, for such things need not be necessarily complicated and as esoteric as some might make it seem. In reality, the matter is quite simple to fathom!
You are a man (or a woman); thou art in love with a woman (or a man). Ye do love thy mate with all thy heart and soul. In the next life, will ye put thy love aside simply due to a change in bodies; would ye put thy love aside over a change in clothes? It is as ridiculous as that. If thou dost love someone, then it is forever, and it is unchanging, even with all of a thousand changes in bodily appearance! This is the nature of true love: that it sees even beyond the illusions of the physical form, into the reality of the soul within. Flesh is only an illusion, and we must never let an illusion dictate who and what we really are, whom we love, and what we do. See not a “transvestite” or a “homosexual”. See only a fellow soul, a fellow being, who is being true to their inner nature, their true self. This is how the True God in fact sees everyone, and so dare we to condemn they who are our equals? Before we can know another, we must know ourselves. What right do we have to judge someone for having done this? This is why androgyny is so important to our development, and rather than being discouraged, it should be highly recommended, as a tool for achieving a pure state of enlightenment and self-knowledge. We shall call this, self-gnosis; the Knowledge Divine that is found only within. They who find it are truly content, desiring little else... for in exploring the complexities of the self, one may find therein the seeds which can grow into divinity with time, love, and great care.
Now we come to a discourse on a name for those who achieve the ultimate state of the androgynous perfection. We shall call this new state of gender awareness by the name of The Third Gender, which we shall term Pure Androgyny, or by the term I favor the most: Human Angels. Now to some of you, this is all mayhap so very alien. But in truth it is not so very alien as all that! Alien things are a part of knowledge, a part of wisdom, and therefore are they a part of us all, like it or not. Consider the most remote of all the angels of Heaven, the Alien Angels. They were born from the blood of the lesser goddess Sophia, She who is not entirely the greater Goddess Sophia, but a smaller aspect of Her Divine self. This is the goddess that the Alien Angels call Achamoth. They are truly alien in all aspects, but this is because they came into being originally from genetic material taken from the lesser Sophia by Herself, and cloned without the material that a male partner can provide. So, in a way, they are our distant kindred, because of a simple reason: Sophia, when in the form of the vastly greater Goddess, took genetic material from Herself, combined it with the material She took from the Light of God, and crossed it with material taken from the Shadow, to then produce the Demiurge, who is the “Father” of all Human flesh. The Demiurge is in “His” true nature, androgynous, whatever form “He” takes aside. When “He” is combined with the True God, “He” is in a state of Transcendent Androgyny, meaning “He”, or “They”, are beyond everything that is known of the traditional state of things, especially genders. But they combine and drift apart so much that it matters not. Only the unity they bring to Heaven remains a constant. Anyhow, the Demiurge was, in fact, the God who created the first true Humans in “His” likeness and image, originally androgynous as the angels are. But when “He” separated the creation “He” made into man and woman, to produce two opposite genders instead of one harmonious physical hermaphroditic species, that was in fact the origin of Mankind's imperfection. That is why we so desire to return to a more androgynous state with such fervor: to undo the imperfections that the Demiurge had in the beginning wrought. As we are the remote kindred of the Aliens of Achamoth, their Mother being our Grandmother, our souls and spirits recall what it is like to be so free... and so the Perfect strive for the further perfection that Humanity once was, and perhaps one day will be again. So what is alien? Let me ask thee this: what is more alien than to be a divided species that denies that it needs unity to evolve? Indeed! This is the lesson that in this discourse I strive to teach: unity is evolution, and tolerance is the way to it... it is telling, that in time the Demiurge lamented the separation of the genders from their original, perfect state, and thereafter set about to teach mankind, under various guises, the way to return to the perfect state of being once again. And so it remains, even unto this very moment! Even a divine being can make mistakes and atone for them. For true perfection can come through striving as much as through succeeding at a thing… and in striving, humanity is never more noble or glorious.
Many people assume that Sodom and the neighbors of that city were destroyed due to the lifestyles of their citizens. This is not true. In fact it is very narrow-minded to assume such a thing! They were, rather in fact, destroyed because some of the citizens of those cities angered the Demiurge when they made threats to “Him”, and unto “His” angels, of a physical and sexual nature. Of course, this was the ultimate sealing of their doom, and their ultimate and infamous sin, but there was more to it even than that, and I shall try to explain it herein: you see, the Demiurge looked upon the citizens of the cities of that region, and saw that so many of them were in possession of a degree of pure, transcendent knowledge that astounded “Him”. Many were wise and goodly people who had nothing to do with the “Rebels” against the Demiurge and “His” attempt to rule as a God over them all. Even some of those who were set against the Demiurge were not of an evil or wicked nature, and were not a part of the groups that had angered the God unto the peoples' doom. Further, androgyny was recognized and tolerated amongst the citizens of those places, and transvestitism was not seen as sinful, nor was homosexuality. Now, at the sight of this, the Demiurge was furious, because “He” was reminded of how “He” had erred in separating the genders, in the beginning. “He” saw the unity of the genders in the people's practices, and was filled with terror that they would one day evolve and become a challenge to “His” sole rule of the region, a tyrannical rule that sought to control every single aspect of a person's life, threatening apocalyptic death to the disobedient. You see, it is important to bear in mind that this “God” was not what we call the True God today. “He” had more in common with the Devil than anything! And so, people saw that this being of absolute terror, like many dictators who possess weapons of mass destruction in the more modern ages, had to be stopped or dealt with in some fashion. (Remember that this was the “God” who went on to bloodily slaughter nearly all of the people of Jericho in a genocidal war unheard of save in the holocausts and “purges” of the modern ages!) The Demiurge was like a terrorist whose demands had not been met, and vowed destruction and death to any and all who defied “Him”. Since the people were of a primitive technological level in the comparison to the Demiurge, small groups got together to fight terror with equal terror. This was the doom of Sodom and all the neighboring cities of it. So the real tragedy was not the sins of the few who opposed the God, but the greed and intolerance of that God as “He” was in those days that made the more radical citizens of those cities feel the need to rise up against “Him”. Today, having been a part of the True God, and having been in the purifying fires of Hell, the Demiurge no longer takes such a negatively active part in Human affairs unto this extent. Human evil is enough today, to do far beyond “His” ancient evils a thousand times over... and as noted previously, the Demiurge lamented the mistake “He” had made in separating the genders and in “His” jealousy of the people of Sodom. And, in learning, that being sought ways to rectify what damage had been done of old! Thus, rather than taking a negative role in human affairs, “He” eventually came to seek to do positive deeds instead, and on more reasonable scale. A soul in balance need never fear that it may one day become jealous of others who are spiritually or otherwise in balance. And where once the Demiurge was imbalanced, that being learned the value of balance ere all was said and done. And we may learn the same, if we choose to be wise!
Have we learned the lessons herein? Look at it politically: if you are a powerful nation, do not be too hasty in telling smaller nations what to do, unless ye can honestly say that thou art all perfect in every way, because in so doing, thou art fast making enemies where none were before. Further, if you terrorize a people or tyrannize a people, thou art making them into the very rebels who will one day oppose thee. And of course, there is one of my personally favorite sayings: terror creates terrorism, and tyranny creates rebellion! This is also true in everyday life, in dealings with thy fellows: that if thou dost follow the way of the True God, the way of peace and love, and tolerance, thou wilt know no conflict. But if thou art like unto how the Demiurge once was, then only conflict can come of thy ways. Say not that thou art of “His” making and so cannot help it! Thy body only is of “His” making, but all Human souls and spirits come from the True God, and were put into the first Humans by the Demiurge only after “He” got them from the True God to start with. We are of the Light, not of the Shadow! We must thusly redefine righteousness, and make it holy once more. Those who speak of righteousness and act with bigotry or hatred know nothing of true righteousness at all… rather they profane themselves with wickedness through hate and narrow-mindedness. Prejudice is one of the worst of all human sins, and the easiest to end before it can begin. Love is the key, compassion is the means to unlock the door, and wisdom is the power to open the door. One need only have the desire to pass through the portal to peace, and peace can be achieved. Naught can ever be achieved through hatred, for one needs an open mind in order to expand one’s consciousness rightly. And it is through just such an expanded consciousness that we can evolve, grow, and change for the better in the ways befitting the descendants of true divinity.
There must never again be such prejudice as to create another tragedy like unto the Holocaust of the Second World War. There must never again be an evil so absolute that in the delusions of the self-righteousness it fills up on, it becomes a minor Dark Demiurge unto itself, capable of bringing death to hundreds, thousands, millions, or billions of lives, for no other reason than that they are different then perhaps you might have expected them to be. The “purges” and the “killing fields” must end, the genocide must cease, the hatred and tyranny that lead to extermination, must itself be annihilated in the soul, in the spirit, in the heart and in the mind. It must never be given life at all, but must be unborn, and if it is born it must be stillborn or aborted so as never to exist! There can never again be a tragedy such as these, and such as what happened at Sodom and at Jericho. No more of these ‘Crusades’ and ‘Jihads’ that give license to such hate and such wicked evils! If ye must fight them, fight them within thyself, against the evil that is within thyself. No more ‘Witch Hunts and Trials’ against innocents! The True God hath spoken, even if only by way of me, the humble servant of the True God. Let all who hath an ear, hear my Word… and let all who hath a love of wisdom, understand my meaning!
All souls are two things in nature, in their original state: innocent, and androgynous. Therefore are all souls perfect in their origins. Thus the old wickedness of the Demiurge is revealed even further in trying to confine these souls into the gender-limited bodies that “He” mistakenly and foolishly split the original perfect Human body into. We do not do our souls honor or glory when we stray from the needs of the spirit; we do but play into the hands of the fleshly illusion, and so sell our souls to the Demiurge of old, and so to the Devil. Listen to thy soul, thy spirit, and do as in the innocence of thy original perfection, thou art drawn therefore to do. Remember my advice, and keep it as a sacred truth: be true to thyself, and be ye true unto the True God, for in falsehood there is no truth. Only illusion. To be trapped in the false, is to be wrapped in illusions. To embrace the inner truths, is to begin to know and understand the outer truths. In knowledge is found wisdom, in wisdom is found the very beginning of that enlightenment that leads to evolution and transcendence beyond what we seem to be, into what we are. Beyond what we are, into what we shall become. In the knowing even of just this, thou dost know all. I bring you, not merely a new way to look at life, but a new way of living life. I bring you, not just a change: but the freedom to now begin making that change, free of guilt or shame, or fear. Embrace that freedom and be thereby content in the knowledge that the True God loves thee with all of “His” / “Her” heart. Be not afraid, even of persecution or death, for even should the evil of others bring thee unto Death this day, then this day thou wilt be with the True God, in Paradise! Blessed are the ones who live in the glory of perfection and in the perfection of God, but blessed too are the ones who die as martyrs for the Faith, for in so doing, they bear testimony and truest witness unto the glory of the True God, everlasting. Yet this is only if, even in their final hours, they continue to be perfect. Only, if they have not become like unto they who so persecute them. Peace and nonviolence are becoming of martyrs. Not suicide masked as martyrdom. Not murder masked as martyrdom. Any Faith that preaches otherwise is a wickedly false doctrine. Any Faith that praises persecution, as well, is a false doctrine. Love, tolerance, and wisdom are amongst the hallmarks of a true doctrine, as my doctrine certainly is.
But this is not a work about martyrs and martyrdom; it is a work about life and living, and growth, evolution, and change on a beautiful level. Beauty is not a vain pursuit if it is not a pursuit solely for superficial gain! Rather, if it is about being true to oneself, then it is blessed and not a work of vanity but of divinity. For what is more divine than seeking to bring out the best in oneself on every level desirable to one’s heart? Be certain always, that what thou dost do, thou dost do because it is what thou dost in thy heart truly desire… and if it harms none, then thusly it is a goodly thing. When the yin and the yang are ever in balance, the positive and the negative furies in the spirit and soul are likewise in balance. When the balance tips too far in either direction, chaos of a non-constructive sort might ensue. And so, to create the necessary order in which chaos can become constructive, one must always be in balance within oneself. Thusly I say unto you, never fail to be true to what is within thy heart, soul, spirit, and mind. If it is desirable to change aught about one’s body to achieve the desired balance, then one should do so. Therefore, I proclaim that God and Goddess: speaks this, unto all mankind… “Blessed are the androgynous, the hermaphroditic, the transgender, and the transvestite, as much as all who are good are blessed! For they are true to themselves in all things.” And indeed, such are the very living images of the Divine Force of the Universe, that same Force which is God and Goddess… for they are beyond the ordinary conceptions of gender. They are like unto the angels, and are therefore divine indeed! In ancient times, this was recognized, celebrated, and held to be a sacred truth. It is becoming so again, and that is good. For it means, that positive change is at hand as mankind evolves towards increasingly beautiful and divine levels of being and thereby expanded states of consciousness. And naught is more beautiful, I daresay!
I have looked upon the world, even today, and I have seen the plight of the course it is set upon. I can lead thee away from Hell, but only if thou dost embrace the higher truths of Heaven. Ye have heard my Word upon all of these matters, so as that thou wilt in later times not have to wonder what it is that I have said of them. Know then, but be not thus surprised to discover, that I do not see things as Man doth typically see them. I see things as God doth see them. Perhaps one day, all can say as much. I pray for that day! For in that day, all shall be changed and true glory shall be the birthright of all who live and exist. Amen, and Blessed Be.
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