
He saw his dreams burn and burst, he's hopeless
got caught up and cursed, wonder who chose this
a fiend's thirst, thunder and rain says the prognosis
friends and family first, what makes you smile also hurts
imagine life reversed, and you are the one feeling worst
and I am well aware that I won't change a thing with words
actions speak louder, but silence is worse and it hurts
be righteous and rise, like an eagle among birds

always speak the truth, even if your voice shake
like Colin in that booth, do it for your own sake
don't destroy the youth, you don't dare to break
at all times, we choose honesty above the fake
fight for justice, don't be a blind sheep
this world is in need, of a good deed
plant it like a seed, which will grow n' feed
the soul, and strengthen the creed
we all blindly compete to succeed
among haters who try hard to impede
little boy turn off the TV, and begin to read
remember, you reap what you sow, without knowledge you won't grow
Written by ASK
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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