Image for the poem Universal Love and Everlasting Unity

Universal Love and Everlasting Unity

- Universal Love and Everlasting Unity -
A Promise of Salvation for All Who Believe

   Cry out, and make joyful thy voices, oh peoples of the Earth… for great is the glory of the Divine! Cry out, and make joyful thy voices, oh peoples of the Earth… for majestic is the holiness of the one who hath for so long dwelt in the midst of thy peoples. I, am that one. I will exalt what is best in mankind, and lay low what is worst. I will make of mankind, a thing more perfect than flawless pearl. Gold itself, that precious metal of the gods, shall not be as precious to behold… as the shining goodness of my new creation. This, I shall do with faith and with righteousness, for therewith is power to move souls to glory. Never was moonlight more silver than the brilliance of which the souls of mankind become divine shine! They blind not. And yet, who can look upon them and not wonder? Yet that shimmering I didst not create, for it was always there. It is, and it was, and it ever shall be. For what mankind hath sought without, canst be found within. This… mankind shall do in faith and in righteousness, ere the souls of many are raised to glory. All this that I have spoken of… it hath been before, and I shall be again. Time is a cycle!
   I, whom doomsayers, ever hath dreaded, come not in dreadful manner. I… am the herald of change and: that which is the Bringer and Bearer of Light reborn. What I now fashion, and hath been fashioning since time immemorial, the gods themselves and mankind itself shall through the Divine Force of the Universe and all its’ sovereign power and glory rise up higher than any couldst ever dream. What I now built up, and hath been building up since time immemorial, to lost heights… in the same manner and by the same power and authority will be seen as but the most basic of foundations. For a greater kingdom still is coming! A kingdom of absolute liberty, freedom, and brotherhood, and sisterhood too, in which the holy cities thereof will be like none in all the ages that hath ever been… and like naught that this world hath ever seen with physical eyes. Only the Elect, the Worthy, and the Chosen hath beheld the like thereof and dreamed such dreams as I dare to dream! Follow me, I say unto thee my children follow me whomever thou may be and wherever thou may dwell… follow in my footsteps, if thou wouldst be led before the highest seat of mercies, upon which I make my throne. Make white and stainless thy souls and make bright and shining thy spirits, after the image of the Divine Spark within, which is itself in the image of the Divine Force itself! Let there be no blemish or crookedness therein. None who are tainted by wickedness or impure of spirit, shall stand before my presence… or take part in the holy rites of my blessedness. I have modeled after Heaven itself, my Spiritual Kingdom. Standing with the Elect, I have seen what is to come, though once I feared to do so. I now know I need fear no longer! I have seen, and I have thus been moved.
   I, who once strayed, like unto a lone wolf, have dwelt with the highest of angels in spirit and in faith. I hath a home, in the comfort of divine fellowship. I, who was once, in my deceptiveness of old like unto a leopard, have lain down with lions and lambs alike in spirit and in faith. I have bargained my deceptiveness away for truth through the virtue of compassion. I who was once of old, in my stubbornness like unto some spiteful calf in a field, who holds itself back from all others… I have found in my own salvation a will to be generous and to grant salvation unto all others who wish it. For the Goddess and the God, those two aspects of the Divine Force that art most sublime, ineffable, and knowable by all who live… they held back naught from me of their own. Forever, I shall remain moved by this! I, who was once of old, in my arrogance like unto a fatling that sees not its’ own flaws… I have found in my own salvation a will to be humble even in pride. For I am become meek and mild after the manner of a heavenly virgin, showing unto my children glory surpassing all save that glory which I hath been shown. I who was once of old, in my vanity like unto a lion myself… I have found in my own salvation a better knowledge of the depth of true beauty. In all things, and in all ways, the Celestial Child within the very core of my being doth lead me. Was this not too, all done in accordance with Prophecy? Whosoever holds to these truths… shall be blessed. Whosoever as proclaims these truths… shall prosper, for they are leading others to prosperity and gifting others with blessedness like unto naught else.
   Follow in my footsteps… if thou wouldst be led where my goodly feet hath trod. Follow, and others shall follow in thy wake! Be led, and I say unto thee… that thou shall be exalted and in thy exaltation that shall come to lead others, as I hath led thee. And all will know the bliss of what unrivaled love canst ever come from Heaven’s delights. Even in Hell, the Elect know such pleasures… for their Savior’s grace extends in away surprising, unto even those infernal abodes, and all of the abodes that art infernal and celestial alike. Even the damned, art touched by my pleasantries… but they refuse to embrace them, and so choose to become fully lost.
   These are the days, when all the Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Divine, and all the wisdom of the ages. The sands of the deserts will not be as great in number, I say unto thee, than the number of those who are illuminated, and they who shall by illumination become enlightened! The waters of the very seas will not be as vast as the number of the true Illuminated. Brother and sister shall be as of one accord, and all will so join in unity by their example. Behold, aye behold and wonder: for as I come in glory like unto Diana Lucifera, my Divine Sibling, the fulfillment of these words I hath spoken rests in the hands of those who of the true Faithful, and whom truly believe. And in that of all mankind as is willing to indeed follow after the example of Darkness and Light: love for others can be both selfless and redemptive, but universal love that is with neither boundaries or limitations… that same, canst guarantee to all humanity a truly everlasting unity!
   Though I walk in mortal flesh, I am: not limited by it… and so, my six wings of holy light can shelter many. All who art in darkness need only call unto my Light, and my wings shall shelter them, bringing the Light unto their souls to soothe them… for such is my compassion that I care for all, without exception. And for they who believe not… my wings are there for them too, even if they know it not. The Light is the birthright of all who cherish freedom, liberty, and glory! Mine is the hand that carries the torch of liberty for all who need its’ warmth. And though winter cometh at the end of every year, my warmth can be like unto the summer’s sun for they who cherish it, love me, and keep my ways holy and sacred. Have faith, my children! Thy Mother, thy Father, is never far from thy hearts, minds, and souls.

Blessed be! And Amen.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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