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It's A Circus

Welcome to the freak show,
You will know what I'm talking about, but first let me just show you around.
You see I run this,
I own all of this,
This is my family,
They will be entertaining you tonight, that is if you behave well enough then maybe you'll live to tell about this.
First you'll meet Bull man, Bull man has the horns of a bull, but hooves for hands like a horse.
I'll run you through this course of who's here, but I can't promise you that no one will kill you.
Then we have throwing knife Judy, her speciality is swallowing swords whole then reaching down her throat and pulling them back out and throwing them in the crowd.
They get scared whenever she comes out of course.
Then over here we have Big Willie the clown,
He has a bit of a temperament so be on your guard whenever you'd see him reach in his pocket he might as well as bash your head in with a juggling pin.
Then we have little mini Jenny,
She's so sweet, but be careful she also loves the taste of fresh meat so be alert whenever she'd shine those pearly, sharp whites at you they'll tear into your delicious flesh and make a meal for her.
Here in the teal dress is the pig headed sisters,
Now they may have two heads on the same body, but that doesn't mean they are the same person. Rudy, the good one loves to talk about how she jabbed that knife into her mother till she bleed to death and loves to read about torture and anguish, now as for her sister Mini, she's the bad one who screams into Rudy's ear, abuses her every chance she has and gave Rudy the knife that ended the wretched woman's life of tyranny.  
I must warn you these two can make you go so insane your brains would end up spilling out on the floor after they're done with you.
Now who else do we have?, oh yes  
Little Bess, Bess has feet for hands and hands for feet,
She may not look too intimidating, but she's anything from nice she has murdered fifteen young men who were dumb enough to believe her lies.
Oh and last, but not least Lobster boy,
He's hard to tame and has killed an officer who accused Rudy & Mini of killing their mother.
Women say he's a better lover than their husbands with those lobster like claws.
Now that I've shown you around,
Gave you the grand tour I need your word that you won't tell anyone right?.
Really?, you're a liar!
Let's get him he'll look good for my new boots.
And there you have it,
It's a circus out there.
Written by MsRockyJackson
Published | Edited 22nd Oct 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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