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THE SHOE REPAIRMAN--A biographical ditty

harmless-looking guy
a church-goer

been in the biz
over 20 years

was clever in getting employment
near the all-girls high school

business is always brisk
especially before and after school terms

all the girls love him
all their parents love him

he brings a lot of his jobs home
lines them up on a table in his room

lowers his pants, sits in a chair
sniffs each one in long,slow,deep inhales

remembering with uncanny recall
the owner's face,body and aura

then often choosing a special girl's shoe
to shove his cock into

he thrusts and thrusts encased in its contour
holding its mate to his nose

till her shoe fills
with his copious sperm

after which he quickly wipes the offering
to staunch its traces

then at bedtime often choosing a pair
belonging to a girl who particularly obsesses him

he'll cushion her shoes right next to his
nose and sleep all night in pure heaven!

the ranker they smell
the greater his happiness and pleasure

this is his love life
there is nothing more

but it has always made him feel so lucky
for he has countless fair maidens he can ravish

at the drop of a shoe
Written by candycrier
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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