A Love Poem

There’s nothing poetic about love
or about the feelings that come with it
It’s just a clusterfuck of human emotion
intertwined with another being’s twisted logic
so that you spiral out of control together
rather than drown in a whirlpool of self-loathing

The opposing individual takes your mind off the pity
that sits in your stomach waiting for the person to bail
so it can attack like a great white on a cowardly porpoise
and when it does you’re left with a loneliness
accompanied only by emptiness
until you find the next willing victim
allowing yourself to become their prisoner
after the charade of romance has subsided
and you lie down in bed, still empty inside
still alone despite the warm body beside you

And until you wake the fuck up to this reality
you’ll be a hopeless, pathetic, sniffling
romantic moron who continues down the same path
with the same partner of a different name
and a different shell, but all the same
because you can’t bear the thought
and can’t cope with the feeling
of being alone in your own skin
no matter how well you prepare it
to look to the world, and to the next poor soul
that you decide to martyr

Because in the end you are all you have
and if you are not enough in the eyes of yourself
then you surely won’t grasp the respect
of the recipient of your wretched word, love.
Written by Gemini (Geminitalian)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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