Us To Agonize

I see you look so happy,
From the smile on your face!
But in your eyes is agony,
Looking so out of place.

Why can no one see it?
It's not even disguised.
Why is your heart split?
Are you still afraid of despise?

Don't worry dear,
Be who you are.
You're lovely, don't fear.
Even with your scars.

If you find someone to love you,
To watch the endless stars.
You need to show them what's true,
You need to show them what's ours.

Practice now my sweet.
If anything goes wrong,
You don't need to feel defeat,
I'll be there, I've been here all along.

Oh, but only if my words reached!
You would smile again, I'm sure.
To you, I humbly beseech,
To you, who is so innocently pure,

Why can't you hear me?
Even though I call, I am unheard.
Do you even know me?
Do you hear my words?

No? Really? Do you ever see me?
I'm always, so much nearer,
Than the others, hear my plea.
Look at me, I'm just in the mirror.

I love you, all that you do.
I want to wipe away your tears.
I love all that makes you, you.
I want to cut down all your fears.

So look at me please,
Let me apologize.
I may be your disease,
But I do not want us to agonize.
Written by FishCake
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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