Angels from above
In heaven they dwell
Some were casted down
From the sky they fell
They were thrown out of the light
And casted into the dark
They had their wings removed
And their foreheads marked
They were given a kingdom
In which they could roam
Keys to the gate
And a king of there own
Out of the darkness
Came a warm flickering glow
A place we call Hell
A hot fiery hole
A fire so hot
It cant be fathomed by man
Its filled with the screams of torture
From the wicked and damned
Up from the flames
A terrible smell arose
A smell so bad
It chokes out ur soul
I looked towards heaven
And I cried out for God
To send down an angel
And lift me from the fog
Then suddenly
Everything seemed to stop
Except the ambers of the coals
That still crackled and popped
Then I heard laughter
That came from everywhere
In loud screeching voice I heard
God ain't here
Then it dawned on me
That very instant
That I'd been dammed
And Hell was my sentence!
Written by Crazybastrd5150 (Jason Snatcher)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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