It's never too late....

Is it too late?
Is it too late to open your eyes.
I hope it's not to late.
Because I need you to notice me.
I need you to see me standing here.
Waiting for you, but I can only wait for so long.
I don't want to but I'll have to walk away.
Is it too late?
Can you hear me screaming out your name.
Searching for you, because I need you right now.
How can I stand when I'm falling for you.
How can I not trip, when you've tied my hopes together.
Saying sorry to you, for my heart is turning black and blue.
It only beats for you now, you hold everything.
Is it too late?
To tell you I love you.
I see you close your eyes.
Because everything is going wrong.
But I need you to notice me this time.
My black and blue heart cannot take another beating.
There is one thing I want you to know.
With my bleeding heart, my ripped soul and twisted mind.
I will never let us go.
If we wanted to, this could never end.
Is it too late?
I hope it's not too late to tell you all of this.
But now you know...

Written by emoboi24 (Nik-Forever)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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