Americana Australiana

I come from a land
down under,
we love simple things
beer, bbq's..
footy and the beach,
we love long trips
on a road to nowhere
Sure we may act the
larrikin but..
we always look out for
our mates, through the good
also means the bad
Aussie's come together
when times are tough..

I have been to the land of the free twice,
both times with naive eyes..
it was all Disney, super sized shopping malls.
I always wanted to go back but..America is fucked,
I have met some lovely Yanks so don't worry
this is not a Yank bash.
I blame America for a lot of the world's problems,
sure easy you say blame the Yanks.
Your media the big brother, floods Australian sets,
I don't know if it's just me, but every time
say a shooting or some Yank act of senseless violence,
gets shown on the news, the dumbest most ignorant people are interviewed.
Surely you are not all like this?

Australia the fifty first state
I see kids, gangsta rap gangs
the five one nine crew..
the times are a changing,
something is very wrong,
somewhere along the way
we got it wrong,
we fucked up..
Today it's not about
mates much these days....
Written by Carpe_Noctem
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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