Submissions by rain1courtel (RainC)
Poet Introduction
ATTENTION: I'm no longer active on this profile! I wanted to remodel, renovate and redecorate (poets) in this place, but it was too exhausting, so....I decided to move next door.
'Senses Senseless'
I would love to endure your touch against my skin
while the placidity of your language curl my breath
just to consume desire’s head whole.
....and I wish I could taste your story beneath my tongue
relish the level of conciseness in your speech,
only to season my thirst for what you articulate in flawless
and absolute ways,
ways…. that constantly knocks my ‘senses-senseless’
I’ve craved to clutch my impressions back
and slowly let your verses slide down my throat
so I could… cling to the perfect couplet.
while the placidity of your language curl my breath
just to consume desire’s head whole.
....and I wish I could taste your story beneath my tongue
relish the level of conciseness in your speech,
only to season my thirst for what you articulate in flawless
and absolute ways,
ways…. that constantly knocks my ‘senses-senseless’
I’ve craved to clutch my impressions back
and slowly let your verses slide down my throat
so I could… cling to the perfect couplet.
1492 reads

2706 reads
Her Essence~
There’s this Blank verse rush, this fix from poetry
that lingers Senryu euphoria under my breath,
Yet, I’ve never envisioned my prose as a high.
It’s never quenched my Terza Rima thirst,
or artificially fulfilled me from Pastoral purging.
I’ve never made love to her,
never felt her Haikus skin against mine.
Limerick limbs spread wide,
pausing for Sonnets-ink to artistically
bleed onto lineless sheets of my heart.
She’s never entertained me that way.
Colloquial kiss of life giving only
to dilute my...
that lingers Senryu euphoria under my breath,
Yet, I’ve never envisioned my prose as a high.
It’s never quenched my Terza Rima thirst,
or artificially fulfilled me from Pastoral purging.
I’ve never made love to her,
never felt her Haikus skin against mine.
Limerick limbs spread wide,
pausing for Sonnets-ink to artistically
bleed onto lineless sheets of my heart.
She’s never entertained me that way.
Colloquial kiss of life giving only
to dilute my...
1693 reads
She slept restlessly in his bed of
guilty intentions...
where she suffocated from love’s noose
apricot scarves from bedposts that
kept what they did behind Pandora’s cadence.
He robbed her ability to even see
where it was she was going.
seemingly right by her side
after the longest joy ride they took,
causing her to be hooked...
on the phonics of him.
Those secret occasions she shared internally,
externally and around his emotional edge...
…..capsized her. ...
guilty intentions...
where she suffocated from love’s noose
apricot scarves from bedposts that
kept what they did behind Pandora’s cadence.
He robbed her ability to even see
where it was she was going.
seemingly right by her side
after the longest joy ride they took,
causing her to be hooked...
on the phonics of him.
Those secret occasions she shared internally,
externally and around his emotional edge...
…..capsized her. ...
1712 reads
f**k Yo Feelins'

1564 reads
....a new way of thinking
I’ve revealed too little, hid too much
mourned too long and live too naively.
I've perished a million times to the facile pound of my heart
with no rhythm, no cadence, and no conviction to
unite my tears with triumph.
Always attempting to help others smooth their pain
while my suppressed cries go unheard.
My smile remains in the throats of bystanders,
as I sit quietly, choking from the smoke of my fears
none the wiser because my emotions are
camouflaged by cheekbones holding joy,
lips curled in laughter to compress the stress ...
mourned too long and live too naively.
I've perished a million times to the facile pound of my heart
with no rhythm, no cadence, and no conviction to
unite my tears with triumph.
Always attempting to help others smooth their pain
while my suppressed cries go unheard.
My smile remains in the throats of bystanders,
as I sit quietly, choking from the smoke of my fears
none the wiser because my emotions are
camouflaged by cheekbones holding joy,
lips curled in laughter to compress the stress ...
1448 reads
My words dance in my poetikmind
drift through my crimsin veins
thrive through my cerebral vines
then tarnish the page in a manner
that even daze my own mind.
When thoughts are stuckinahardplace
my pen maneuvers through chaotic space
allowing my sanity to inhale,
cognitively freeing me from Niknshell-hell.
Syllables sprouting in a villanelle garden
between Balefulmalevolence trees,
where Flower(girl)-blooms into stories conceived
from a Poetryman’s seeds.
Then it’s read,
drift through my crimsin veins
thrive through my cerebral vines
then tarnish the page in a manner
that even daze my own mind.
When thoughts are stuckinahardplace
my pen maneuvers through chaotic space
allowing my sanity to inhale,
cognitively freeing me from Niknshell-hell.
Syllables sprouting in a villanelle garden
between Balefulmalevolence trees,
where Flower(girl)-blooms into stories conceived
from a Poetryman’s seeds.
Then it’s read,
1805 reads
Spiritual Love
I framed the day love tossed me
and he caught me,
in a catch that could be described as
‘the smile that cracked my normalcy’.
Mind beautifully messed-up from his
moist hello.
Sand seconds, sufficient time
to steal my voice and air.
His nearness validates my inebriated- stare
I toke his blue heaven,
a high justified by his carnal smile.
He captivated the pinnacle of my
mental symphony,
intrinsically eclipsing
my hope of what it genuinely means
to be in love. ...
and he caught me,
in a catch that could be described as
‘the smile that cracked my normalcy’.
Mind beautifully messed-up from his
moist hello.
Sand seconds, sufficient time
to steal my voice and air.
His nearness validates my inebriated- stare
I toke his blue heaven,
a high justified by his carnal smile.
He captivated the pinnacle of my
mental symphony,
intrinsically eclipsing
my hope of what it genuinely means
to be in love. ...
1603 reads
....sometimes, I like it Rough

2242 reads
When I'm Broken
We shared each other bodies
a few hundred times
and here we are pretending we
don’t know each other’s faces”
*I think you like me when I’m broken*
Sculpting my own words into
gold palms of senseless banter
while we quarrel to win
inhale intentions to try again
but you…
you continue to perpetuate pain
with mind games
that I can’t seem to bring myself to playing
and not staying
feels better than settling for the little you give,
when I know in my heart
I’m deserving of so much more. ...
a few hundred times
and here we are pretending we
don’t know each other’s faces”
*I think you like me when I’m broken*
Sculpting my own words into
gold palms of senseless banter
while we quarrel to win
inhale intentions to try again
but you…
you continue to perpetuate pain
with mind games
that I can’t seem to bring myself to playing
and not staying
feels better than settling for the little you give,
when I know in my heart
I’m deserving of so much more. ...
1568 reads
Masked trepidation
hidden agenda inside
unconfined laced lines
combined with
allegations for the unsighted
into vexation
to assume a
fabricated deception
Mass conception
He, she, kills we
when one-sided,
it means a We-divided
Words that are said
entice dread
burning bridges
using verbal warheads
Wash, rinse, repeat
until no amount of
bleached promises
can wash away
Stained infidelity
straining future reality ...
hidden agenda inside
unconfined laced lines
combined with
allegations for the unsighted
into vexation
to assume a
fabricated deception
Mass conception
He, she, kills we
when one-sided,
it means a We-divided
Words that are said
entice dread
burning bridges
using verbal warheads
Wash, rinse, repeat
until no amount of
bleached promises
can wash away
Stained infidelity
straining future reality ...
1428 reads
Definition Unavailable
1652 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by rain1courtel (RainC)