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8th March 1:59pm

In another lifetime
In another lifetime we could get lost in everything that was meant to be
Regardless if no one else understood us but we

We still got eachother like the couples we read about
Destined to leave our mark in a not so perfect world but perfect together no doubt

No doubt nothing can kill the perfectly imperfect situation we’ve fallen into
No worries in the world because you got me and I got you

I love how you love me despite the unusual circumstance
I couldn’t walk away from a once in a lifetime love I might not ever get the chance

Get the chance to hold you console you make love to you and mentally go to places upon places some id probably never see
But the idea of you being beside me is truly the place I’d rather be

you see I’ve not gone to many places so I don’t miss what I’ve never been exposed to
I’d missed loving you because loving you is what I’m supposed to do.

I’m addicted to the fantasy of me and you u
im addicted your smile your touch the way you make me understand the things you do. I’m addicted to Love I’m so addicted to you....

You love me despite me complex because loving me is quite complex

You love me and you don’t worry about my imperfections
You see the things I wish you didn’t and you love my complexion

Every woman wants a man to encourage them to live without fear
Fear of embracing my imperfections and that’s why I love you my dear

I may not seem lucky in the eyes of some
But I’m lucky enough to be loved by a chosen one.

Im apart of your today and pray to be apart of your tomorrow
If I ran out sand in the hour glass there’s some time I’d have to borrow

You see you don’t understand how deep this runs for me
I’ve stared into the abyss and it’s now back me

You are my abyss my open space my shelter my place I run to
Encapsulated in your love what am I really supposed to do

What am I supposed to do when my very life functions consist of you
I breathe you my heart skips a beat when I need you and when I see you....

Oh my god with you I stop I attach myself to you, you breathe life into me honestly what am I supposed to do

Resuscitate me give me one more day and I will worry about tomorrow
I’d suffocate without you so that’s some more time I’d have to borrow

Borrowed time couldn’t be any sweeter than this Time we’d had to share
Dreading the day I hear God loved you more than me and he took you home a pain I’m so not ready to bare

For now I’ll hold onto today and pray for tomorrow with you
Held by your simple “I Love you”

8th March 7:05am

<< post removed >>
7th March 5:18pm
TruthSouljourner Haneefah M

Hello All
poetry 4834
Power of Poetry

Poetry creates space to express my ideas , their value & meaning
It's a blessing to have this outlet for my thoughts & my feelings.

But in truth any form of writing can be a special kind of experience
For me writing is a way to share my words, my needs & my soul's essence.

Poetry has saved me from drowning in the deep waters of despair
It opens its doors to my pain or rage & let's me leave it there.
7th March 3:27pm


I get so nervous whenever am around people,
i have low selfesteem like i dont belong to myself
keep asking whats going on in my life.
Am becoming someone i do not like,if my 10yrs
old self saw me,she will not find solace in someone like me.
I'm becoming bitter,angry,sad,jealous,envious,insecure,
impatient,dependent,toxic,lazy ,stubborn in an unhealthy way.
All things that i wish am not.All i want to do,is to be able to control
my inner demons, own them and come out victorious.
All i want to be is a woman who can carry herself with strength,kindness
courage,love,competence and a wowan who accepts her flaws and work the ones that i can work out and own the ones i can't fully change.
I just hope that someday when i look back in my life years from now.
That i will become my greatest potential and will become the better version of me who is inside me and is trying to come out now.
i need to find courage and the strength and not to let self doubt and fears get in my way of becoming myself.
Hopefully i will find it sooner because i need some direction in my life right now.
Written by noelbirwa
hey, whatsapp? this is my first poem, its called
Someone like me
4th March 5:36pm

This is some real deep stuff, when I wasn’t associating sex in the right way.
As well as slightly erotic, and deep I’d like to put it out there for opinions. I’m sure it’s relatable to some. (I hope haha)
Hi! I’m new here!

I laid there fragile in the crisp white sheets,
They wrapped me like your arms,
Coveting my bruised heart.
And I’ll hang a veil over your twisted mind; while I pull your eyes shut.
Screaming for you to keep them closed.
I don’t want you to see me.
While you fuck me like you love me,
Kiss me like you hold your breath,
Carress my body like a lifetime,
Yet spit on me like poison.
I whisper for you to wrap your hands around my neck,
My back cracks while my stomach is drawn towards the celing,
Our lips touch its not just kissing, my whole body aches,
In this moment you are my centre,
The only thing that can iron my mind,
Smoothe out all the kicks,
But to you I am worthless,
Yet I’ll still let you rip at my skin,
Throw stones at my soul while they rattle inside me when my bed frame smashes against the wall.
I let you fuck me so I can fix myself

4th March 1:50am

well pain brought out my first poem, here goes nothing
vivid as if I was still there,
i remember your face
the last moments you had are moments I can’t erase
i don’t know who you were, young man in the red polo
i just know your death was no way for a person to go
we pressed on your chest, tried to get air in your lungs
two fingers on your wrist praying for a thump
your eyes started to close and we felt our hearts drop
until help arrived we still didn’t stop
pressing on your chest, pumping air in your lungs
i held your hand and prayed
and prayed that help would come

a strange color blue
that was foreign to me
your limp hand in mine I continued to squeeze

maybe if you felt the squeeze, you wouldn’t let go
if I prayed hard enough, mercy would be shown
if we helped your heart beat, then it could restart
our hope for you continued to grow

but reality set in
the hope wasn’t enough
it would eventually tear us apart

i learned today that death isn’t black
it’s not rainy days and thunder and crows
it isn’t dark nights and black umbrellas
it’s not the symbols of sorrow

it’s a young man in a red polo
pale blue, scarlet red
sun shining with a mid afternoon breeze
it’s driving down a road, off work feeling of relief
tragedy strikes in the blink of an eye
of course i knew this
but didn’t feel the impact
until I saw you

you deserved better than us, young man in the red polo
i can only now hope you’re in a place
where peace is bestowed

3rd March 10:07pm
JuusGod Juuso Hiltunen

Hey you all. This is my first poem ever, it's called "I don't think you understand"
I don't think you will
Ever fully understand
how you've touched my life
And made me who I am.

I dont think you could ever know
Just how truly special you are
That even on the darkest nights
You are my brightest star.

You've allowed me to experience
Something very hard to find
unconditional love that exists
In my body, soul and mind.

I dont think you could ever feel
all the love i have to give
And im sure you will never realize
You've been my will to live.

You are an amazing person,
And without you I wouldn't know where I'd be. Having you in my life
Completes and fulfills every part of me.

How was this...? And what did it make you feel dear reader whoever you are?

Edited 1st March 8:27am
Remy_L Remington Lancaster

climb and crumple

the mountain peak that oversees the valley calls me
challenging me to show up and with my own eyes see
so I climb that spire and stare off in wonder
as I bellow the ground around me sunders
when the Earth below splits I fall to the fire
landing in front of her body burning in the pyre
Written by Remy_L (Remington Lancaster)
Good evening poets, writers, readers in DeepUndergroundPoetry. I recently may have discovered that poetry or story writing could be a good way to let some of life's ups and downs out of my head, so I don't self-destruct. I am uncertain about writing, but I won't know until I try, I guess. Well, here I am.
27th February 2:56am
Dreamystar99 DreamyStar91

Hello again
poetry 4812
This is my 2nd poem i had written.
27th February 2:31am
Dreamystar99 DreamyStar91

hello all
poetry 4811
I am rather very new to this whole poetry thing. This poem is the very first poem I had written. There is a lot meaning behind this poem.
26th February 6:31pm
MimiDi Mimi Di

Hi to all
poetry 4810
So happy to find this little vault of sacred words, spoken in hushed tones after midnight when the world may be listening, or not. Everything we wish we could say loud, on a street corner, right in front of the inspiration for our raving. Until then, this will do, or these words will sour inside me and emerge as dragon fire burning down my world.
Edited 25th February 8:09pm

New to poetry
I have always written fictional stories in the past. I'm new to poetry, just started writing it to deal with the shit in my head. It has allowed me to say all the things I never really get to say. It helps lift the burden and I am greatful.