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13th September 3:19am
ravibabygirl babygirlprincess

hi I'm just here to learn about writing ive been doing poetry since I was 15 but haven't gotten into it till recently I feel like it saved me from this dark place and i just want somewhere to express myself I feel like it's my heart when i write
13th September 2:23am

Here to learn and enjoy have never written poetry but love it.
13th September 00:22am

New to the site and hoping to have some positive interactions. I don't write a ton but become inspired every few months or so.
12th September 1:41pm

Love this place it strengthen writing gifts
Edited 12th September 11:57am

Hi 👋 all,
I love this place .
11th September 10:59pm

Hello All!
I am new to the site and I am just getting into writing poetry. I have heard about this site and figured I would give it a try to help me become a better writer and to be able to read some awesome poets work. Great to meet you all. I hope to see you around DUP.
11th September 7:59pm

<< post removed >>
11th September 10:58am

The ancient spirits of Great Britain
To the woods is where I'd  gone
For a better connection without my phone, becoming one with nature and soul,

There I feel a magical energy,
Among the willow
and the oak trees,

An energy boost to the very mind heart and soul, Sitting on the magical soil of earth, with legs crossed, Wrists on knees, With eyes closed,
& my mind at ease,
In and out slowly I breathe,

Connecting mind heart & soul with the nature & woodland spirits of ancient & old,

At one with earth, & the air.

Breathing in & softly inhaling the divine pure aroma of the mystical forests of this ancient Great Britain,

That overflows with the yesteryears of magic mystery & spirits of ancient & old,

I hear battle cries & the sound of clashing swords,
I hear the cracklings of camp fires,
And stories of soothsayers queens & kings of ancient & old,
I can smell the lushes aroma of wild boar cooking,

I can almost taste it,
With apple too,

I hear harps playing,
Both men & woman gently singing,
To the divine sound
of a heavenly harp,

The spirits come closer to me,
They've built up a trust in me,
Write their tales in poetry,
Is what they say to me,

& return again I must they say,
& they'll play the harp whilst I recite the poetry.  
© by Vincent Von Ellesmere 2019.

11th September 10:45am

poetry 3054
The mediumistic poet, The automatic writer, The divinely inspired fine line between madness & genius, between the spiritual & earthly realms. ©✍🏻Vincent von ellesmere 2019. Hi 👋 I'm Vincent Von Ellesmere, I'm a mediumistic poet, automatic writing, the spirits of old and ancient come through me to write the poetry they could not get out, for they died before they had the chance.
Edited 11th September 8:44am

I just want a place where I can express myself. Sometimes words flow through my mind, so I thought it would be good to write them down.

Edited 11th September 2:09pm
AverageJoe Average Joe. AJ. Joe

Lost & Found
No mood music. No dark persona. And probably rather a dearth of talent.

I was here a couple years back and forgot my password and just randomly drifted off to other things from there. Life's a circular thing, like my logic, so here I am again. Nobody special, just your Average Joe.
7th September 2:14am

The villian

The world wants to hate me
Thats fine I'll be the villain
Cant love what you can't see
In the clouds chillin
I was born a beast, prepare your soul for the feast. Can't kill me off im a worldly disease. Go where i want do as I please.
I'm the one they cant leave deceased.
Big smile in a dark alley way. Vanish with the night admist the bay. Evil is the land in which I play. Can't save my soul no diety cares what i say. So i spit in their face to dance on their grave.
Yeah the world hates me
I'm the forever villain
Can't save what I came to be
Act like your worried bout me where was it when i was willing
Written by Jiminex
Just a gamer
poetry 3044
Trying out writing