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Competition Idea

Rune L
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 608

I have an idea for a new competition. I do not wish to post it yet because the results will be one of two things: either I get laughed off the internet or everybody thinks it's a grand idea and people race to get their entry in. I would really rather the latter, but just in case, I'm going to post the idea for the competition and you guys tell me whether or not you think it's a good idea.

So what if we nominate each other to write a poem for us? The way my idea works is that each entrant can nominate one fellow poet to write a poem under the restrictions given by the competition. The competition will be awarded to BOTH the person who wrote the piece and the person who nominated them. Each person can only nominate one person, and each person can only be nominated once. For obvious reasons, it would be advisable to PM the person you nominate. Notice, being nominated does not disqualify you from nominating someone else. This means that you can have two chances to win.

I am open to honest critique on the idea. Feel free to say it's a great idea, or that you hate it, or even leave an idea on how I could make it better. Just as long as the thread stays on the topic of competition ideas, I don't even care if you bring up your own competition ideas.

poet Anonymous

How are you going to award two trophies? The automated system allows for only one winner to be picked (and two runner ups option). Or is there a mod who can alter that to award two trophies...?

Rune L
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 608

Well... give me a moment...

Rune L
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 608


Read the bottom.

*EDIT*: I am SO glad I have a lot of free time to read this stuff.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14593

sounds decent enough to me

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

fuck everybody

run your shit sided if you want it that way

but if you want multiple takes

loosen up

poet Anonymous

double post, sorry

poet Anonymous

in my opinion, it is the plethora of rules that accompany your comps that render them off limits
not your lack of finding interesting topics. Poetry should flow from the writer as naturally and unhindered as possible and you design your comps like a technical college writing class assignment. That is my barrier in entering most anyway and I give you my feedback to assist you not to be offensive in the least.

ease up a bit and saying things like-no swearing, no porn, whatever-on a "dark" and "hard" poetry site
while professing religious principles and all is your prerogative but since you do seem to take the time to do so much here with threads and comps, you might want to consider your audience.
NOT saying we're all Satan loving maniacs with sex addictions and foul mouths but ...
when you can't even say fuck..it's like asking a painter to avoid certain colors and insinuations

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Mrs Moon makes her point twice, in case you miss it

poet Anonymous

i deleted that, in case you missed it
stalker :)

Rune L
Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 608

Thank you, Miki. This is exactly the feedback I have been looking for. Nobody seems to express their opinions on my competitions, and it makes things difficult to improve when I don't even know what is wrong with them. I shall ease up on my rules a bit, despite my personal belief that the use of foul language is nothing more than inability to show persuasion.

poet Anonymous

you're welcome, i thought you'd be open to it

and some swear because they don;t have the vocab to articulate and some swear because they do, you knowing the difference is where your own intelligence should come into it.

you eliminate some of our best poets with that belief

I've dawdled all day..back to life nite

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

"NOT saying we're all Satan loving maniacs with sex addictions and foul mouths but ... "

speak for yourself sista..............

fo real tho listen to miki if you wanna get participants.

don't judge dude..........

some sware for emphasis and a certain dialogue,situational tone,the mood of a scene....

or jus cuz thas the way we fn talk....

poet Anonymous

Eyez lyke yur eyedea.
Eye'v gott a gud won tew.
Whutz yer favrit kolor?
Datz a gud komp eyedea tew.
Youse kann pik eny kolor tew.
Mayke itt eezee tew.
Pik tew kolorz und youse myte git tew tropheez.
No rulez.

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

So if I wanted to nominate someone id message them, then they'd write a poem for the comp and id post saying I nominated them. or they'd message me nominating me, and id write a poem and they'd post saying they nominated me, and if I win they win and if they win I win depending on the situation, right? If i'm getting that right, I think that would be a really cool comp, glad you thought of it. Id partake in it.

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