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Legacy Account

poet Anonymous

Thank you

poet Anonymous

Grace said:

Wow. really. That is so sad. I am glad you are here. I wish her poems were still around. That would be lovely to see and read. It would be nice to know who she was too.

Thank you. I never saw any of this thread after I left my last comment. I apologize for the delay. Your comment is appreciated.

poet Anonymous

cold_fusion said:A sad sad loss. R.I.P the Poet.

It still is sad,yet I keep finding traces of her from members on here. I'm trying to stay here. Sometimes its painful.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 14th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 231

Lady_of_the_Quill said:

Thank you again. I can't wait to see it posted. Your lovely my dear. Thank you for mentioning her name. That was kind.

Hey Beth.......saw many sides of Trish here.......the one I won’t ever forget is her luv and kindness to me......her comments always brightend my day. Bless you for have known her as close as you did. Luv & hugs from my heart to yours always xo :)

poet Anonymous

AtoMikbomb said:neuroticthrillers has passed away. I'm not sure at what time, or how, but his brother informed me via Facebook that it was on January 12th. My condolences and love to any of his friends on here, any friend of his is a friend of mine.

Thoughts, prayers and love to all 🕯<3

Oh my goodness I wondered only yesterday why he hadn’t been online for a while. This is just awful. Thanks for letting us know AtoMik. RIP neuroticthrillers ☹️

poet Anonymous

StarliteStarfright said:

Oh my goodness I wondered only yesterday why he hadn’t been online for a while. This is just awful. Thanks for letting us know AtoMik. RIP neuroticthrillers ☹️

Oh my god That's heartbreaking. He hasn't been on my radar for 17days on here. RIP neuroticthrillers. Please Avahati , don't let his poems go away like Trisha. It's not fair. The policy needs to change. Thank you StarliteStarfright and AtoMik. I replied because I don't want to see his work disappear.

poet Anonymous

Lady_of_the_Quill said:

Oh my god That's heartbreaking. He hasn't been on my radar for 17days on here. RIP neuroticthrillers. Please Avahati , don't let his poems go away like Trisha. It's not fair. The policy needs to change. Thank you StarliteStarfright and AtoMik. I replied because I don't want to see his work disappear.

It is so sad Beth. I agree with your thoughts on not letting his or anybody else’s poetry disappear. It’s such a shame for people to spill their guts, lives, feelings and not be allowed to live on through their words. Sometimes those words are the only insight anybody will have after their passing and they should not be wiped away.

What awful news to hear today.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17589

That's what this thread is for, to hopefully inact a policy where the author maintains control of their poetry should anything dire happen, such as Trish and Neurotic Thriller's case.  

In Trish's case, her family ( if I'm not mistaken ) are the ones who insisted her account be removed. Because nothing is in place here, Webmiss most likely felt led to comply with their wishes. Neurotic's page should be fine if his family doesn't make any demands.

But it does beg, especially in light of these two cases, the need for something that ensure's the author's wishes are honored vs those of another in the event of death.  Hopefully that will happen in the future.

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:That's what this thread is for, to hopefully inact a policy where the author maintains control of their poetry should anything dire happen, such as Trish and Neurotic Thriller's case.  

In Trish's case, her family ( if I'm not mistaken ) are the ones who insisted her account be removed. Because nothing is in place here, Webmiss most likely felt led to comply with their wishes. Neurotic's page should be fine if his family doesn't make any demands.

But it does beg, especially in light of these two cases, the need for something that ensure's the author's wishes are honored vs those of another in the event of death.  Hopefully that will happen in the future.

I do look forward to the change. Here is a discussion that I feel is vital to this conversation.
I am Trish's executor of her estate. I hold the sole responsibility of her company, staff, finances. I have always taken care of finances from the beginning. I have always taken care of her children, when she couldn't be. I was her companies financial consultant. I left my career to uphold her wishes in her will and follow through with the commitments she made through 2018.That will end when her eldest decides if it's a legacy she chooses to continue.  I am her adult children's guardian. I hope I am conveying this as comprehendible. Please, help me if you don't understand anything I am saying. I will not be offended.
I am confused at how Trish's account was closed by her "family ''? I was told 1 of the 3 " blood family" members found her account on her bank statement.
How is that possible? I paid her financial commitments . Her bank statements are my responsibility . I never bothered to look at what she was purchasing . I didn't care. It's her accounts, which are numerous and under several legal aliases. I have only one time questioned her on a purchase. Due to the large amount and because it was a new vendor I didn't recognize .
Her tablet and her personal cell phone she used on this site . Not the problem.
The problem for me is, while I was identifying her body.
Her "family'' member was in possession of her tablet. I can not understand that excuse. I received it after I had to send her security firm to retrieve her cell phone from her assistant who thought it was ok to keep it since she died and wouldn't be using it. I had to retrieve her tablet the same way.
The "family '' member told me Trisha had left it at her house .
Not possible . Way to complicated to explain her "family'' dynamic .
When I seen the 2 to e-mails sent to the site, in the Trash folder.
The 1st one stated something to the effect . " How do I close a deceased members account ? Signed by her legal family name. Dup responded by sending a link back to the site. Understandable that they assumed it was Trisha. 2nd e-mail sent by her " family''. Something to the effect. "She is deceased. I need to have her account closed. Signed her legal last name  by "family''.
Her account on this site was closed by a "family'' member who had no legal right to close it. That decision was mine. There is a ''Reason '' I am her Executor . And not  her "family''.
I understand the site would have respected her family's wishes . That's respectable .
My whole point right now. What proof did they have to the close it? A few random e-mails ?
I think we all can learn from this. If administers take the responsibility to accept an email from someone asking to close a "family'' members account and responded graciously by offering to close her PayPal payment as a DU supporter would use for payment, as well.
Hopefully when an account is closed in the future, by email or whatever means, a change needs to be made.
I don't have the answer. But, I feel this is great start to figure it out.
Btw I'm happy I found  this beautiful site. But , I will soon be leaving . After looking for her words. A name . Anything to connect to why she was here . I never found it until you, Ahavati had the intellect to contact her "friend" . I will forever be grateful. At least I understand why she was here finally. This site gave her the ability to remain anonymous. And the ability to fly.
I hope this helps.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 6th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 2399

Lady_of_the_Quill said:

I do look forward to the change. Here is a discussion that I feel is vital to this conversation.
I am Trish's executor of her estate. I hold the sole responsibility of her company, staff, finances. I have always taken care of finances from the beginning. I have always taken care of her children, when she couldn't be. I was her companies financial consultant. I left my career to uphold her wishes in her will and follow through with the commitments she made through 2018.That will end when her eldest decides if it's a legacy she chooses to continue.  I am her adult children's guardian. I hope I am conveying this as comprehendible. Please, help me if you don't understand anything I am saying. I will not be offended.
I am confused at how Trish's account was closed by her "family ''? I was told 1 of the 3 " blood family" members found her account on her bank statement.
How is that possible? I paid her financial commitments . Her bank statements are my responsibility . I never bothered to look at what she was purchasing . I didn't care. It's her accounts, which are numerous and under several legal aliases. I have only one time questioned her on a purchase. Due to the large amount and because it was a new vendor I didn't recognize .
Her tablet and her personal cell phone she used on this site . Not the problem.
The problem for me is, while I was identifying her body.
Her "family'' member was in possession of her tablet. I can not understand that excuse. I received it after I had to send her security firm to retrieve her cell phone from her assistant who thought it was ok to keep it since she died and wouldn't be using it. I had to retrieve her tablet the same way.
The "family '' member told me Trisha had left it at her house .
Not possible . Way to complicated to explain her "family'' dynamic .
When I seen the 2 to e-mails sent to the site, in the Trash folder.
The 1st one stated something to the effect . " How do I close a deceased members account ? Signed by her legal family name. Dup responded by sending a link back to the site. Understandable that they assumed it was Trisha. 2nd e-mail sent by her " family''. Something to the effect. "She is deceased. I need to have her account closed. Signed her legal last name  by "family''.
Her account on this site was closed by a "family'' member who had no legal right to close it. That decision was mine. There is a ''Reason '' I am her Executor . And not  her "family''.
I understand the site would have respected her family's wishes . That's respectable .
My whole point right now. What proof did they have to the close it? A few random e-mails ?
I think we all can learn from this. If administers take the responsibility to accept an email from someone asking to close a "family'' members account and responded graciously by offering to close her PayPal payment as a DU supporter would use for payment, as well.
Hopefully when an account is closed in the future, by email or whatever means, a change needs to be made.
I don't have the answer. But, I feel this is great start to figure it out.
Btw I'm happy I found  this beautiful site. But , I will soon be leaving . After looking for her words. A name . Anything to connect to why she was here . I never found it until you, Ahavati had the intellect to contact her "friend" . I will forever be grateful. At least I understand why she was here finally. This site gave her the ability to remain anonymous. And the ability to fly.
I hope this helps.

I don't know if this is going against the site rules (perhaps you should talk to a mod about it), but if you have access to her email and her username then you can probably reset her password and reactivate her account(and presumably cancel the payment thingy while leaving her work up).

That said, it might be best not to go against her family's wishes.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17589

Lady_of_the_Quill said:

I do look forward to the change. Here is a discussion that I feel is vital to this conversation.
I am Trish's executor of her estate. I hold the sole responsibility of her company, staff, finances. I have always taken care of finances from the beginning. I have always taken care of her children, when she couldn't be. I was her companies financial consultant. I left my career to uphold her wishes in her will and follow through with the commitments she made through 2018.That will end when her eldest decides if it's a legacy she chooses to continue.  I am her adult children's guardian. I hope I am conveying this as comprehendible. Please, help me if you don't understand anything I am saying. I will not be offended.
I am confused at how Trish's account was closed by her "family ''? I was told 1 of the 3 " blood family" members found her account on her bank statement.
How is that possible? I paid her financial commitments . Her bank statements are my responsibility . I never bothered to look at what she was purchasing . I didn't care. It's her accounts, which are numerous and under several legal aliases. I have only one time questioned her on a purchase. Due to the large amount and because it was a new vendor I didn't recognize .
Her tablet and her personal cell phone she used on this site . Not the problem.
The problem for me is, while I was identifying her body.
Her "family'' member was in possession of her tablet. I can not understand that excuse. I received it after I had to send her security firm to retrieve her cell phone from her assistant who thought it was ok to keep it since she died and wouldn't be using it. I had to retrieve her tablet the same way.
The "family '' member told me Trisha had left it at her house .
Not possible . Way to complicated to explain her "family'' dynamic .
When I seen the 2 to e-mails sent to the site, in the Trash folder.
The 1st one stated something to the effect . " How do I close a deceased members account ? Signed by her legal family name. Dup responded by sending a link back to the site. Understandable that they assumed it was Trisha. 2nd e-mail sent by her " family''. Something to the effect. "She is deceased. I need to have her account closed. Signed her legal last name  by "family''.
Her account on this site was closed by a "family'' member who had no legal right to close it. That decision was mine. There is a ''Reason '' I am her Executor . And not  her "family''.
I understand the site would have respected her family's wishes . That's respectable .
My whole point right now. What proof did they have to the close it? A few random e-mails ?
I think we all can learn from this. If administers take the responsibility to accept an email from someone asking to close a "family'' members account and responded graciously by offering to close her PayPal payment as a DU supporter would use for payment, as well.
Hopefully when an account is closed in the future, by email or whatever means, a change needs to be made.
I don't have the answer. But, I feel this is great start to figure it out.
Btw I'm happy I found  this beautiful site. But , I will soon be leaving . After looking for her words. A name . Anything to connect to why she was here . I never found it until you, Ahavati had the intellect to contact her "friend" . I will forever be grateful. At least I understand why she was here finally. This site gave her the ability to remain anonymous. And the ability to fly.
I hope this helps.

I'm happy I could provide you some modicum of relief, Beth. I know what it's like to lose someone without answers that you seek.

I'm unsure what the exact details surrounding Trish's account are. But knowing the Webmiss, I'm certain she didn't take her actions lightly. It's sad that poetry of any form has to be deleted due to someone other than the author's wishes.

If nothing changes, then state publicly in this thread what your wishes are, as I did.  At least there will be that to stand, and may prevent the future deletion of a beautiful artform.

Lastly, I am sorry to see you leave. ❤

Fire of Insight
United States 13awards
Joined 1st Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 141

Yes, he truly was. Hoping for your comfort through this

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14618

seems like there's a question which hasn't been asked. what if I die and no-one notices or cares. how long will I keep paying for no adds ( if I had that thing going on) is there a system in place where after a spell of in-activity the money transfer is suspended ?

but more than that, I mean no dis-respect to anyone. I remember Trish. like everyone else she had her good days and her bad days. but I remember her. we remember her. isn't that what its about. couldn't help get the feeling the woman here was more out of sorts that she didn't know about DU than anything else. I mean, if Trish had wanted her to know about it, she'd have told her. its that simple

our family is what we leave behind when we die. I would not like a suit I hardly knew come step in and  try second guess them. its a shame Trish's family chose to shut down her poetry. perhaps they didn't understand the profile could be kept for free.

there is still a lot of poetry she wrote on forums and competitions.

oppologies  if my opinion has offended anyone      

poet Anonymous

lepperochan said:seems like there's a question which hasn't been asked. what if I die and no-one notices or cares. how long will I keep paying for no adds ( if I had that thing going on) is there a system in place where after a spell of in-activity the money transfer is suspended ?

but more than that, I mean no dis-respect to anyone. I remember Trish. like everyone else she had her good days and her bad days. but I remember her. we remember her. isn't that what its about. couldn't help get the feeling the woman here was more out of sorts that she didn't know about DU than anything else. I mean, if Trish had wanted her to know about it, she'd have told her. its that simple

our family is what we leave behind when we die. I would not like a suit I hardly knew come step in and  try second guess them. its a shame Trish's family chose to shut down her poetry. perhaps they didn't understand the profile could be kept for free.

there is still a lot of poetry she wrote on forums and competitions.

oppologies  if my opinion has offended anyone      

Excellent point you have here. I don't believe DUP did anything wrong. They assumed it was her family and treated it as respectively and responsibly as I would have.
They're are many factors to be considered for the future. Anytime I have had to close a clients account, I have to abide by law. I require to be provided with a certified death certificate, and verify benefactors ect.
I have a policy I demand from my clients before I will consider accepting them. They must have a current Will, within the last year. I have a password policy in the event of a clients death. Numerical or a Phrase, in the case they became estranged from their next of kin or whomever they have listed as their benefactors. That way, when I head to probate court, I can provide proof that Mom, can't take away an account from Dad, if in that last year, they passed before getting the chance to update their wishes.
One reason Trisha or myself never have had a social media account, like Facebook, etc. Was to conceal her identity and mine. Being online in a virtual world was Never an option. For safety reasons.
I am thrilled she came to the site. It has shown me,  she felt comfortable enough to spread her wings here. The people that actually met her by this site, gave her enough confidence to feel safe enough, to tell them who she was. About a week ago, a member informed me that the crappy tablet she had used on here, was hacked by a guest at her home when Trish was there.
I don't want to leave the site. I came looking for answers in my time of grief. What I found here, is a community of people that never met her, loved her for her words and  her crazy wildness. That for myself personally , speaks volumes. DUP, gave her a voice to speak her her mind , be who I knew her as. Just another soul looking to connect with anyone that could relate with her words.
To those that have kept her identity to themselves. You're exactly the kind of people she needed in her life. Trustworthy. In her world that's priceless.
I know these replies are very long, emotional and complicated. It's difficult right now for her girls and myself. In about 6 weeks she will only be gone a year.
I hope these conversions can continue to go forward. Mabey together we can figure out a solution.

poet Anonymous


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