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What about Trump's ear?

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 268

I'm worried that the former president's ear will become infected, and I also think that he should be nominated for an Academy Award for his performance as a victim at the assassination attempt.


Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3130

It would seem rather queer
if your president had one ear
but I'm really more perplexed
how the shooter got so near
I can't say I'm a fan
though some judges know their man
hides secrets in his closet
yet he gets off free and clear

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 268

"It would seem rather queer
if your president had one ear
but I'm really more perplexed
how the shooter got so near
I can't say I'm a fan
though some judges know their man
hides secrets in his closet
yet he gets off free and clear"

Gosh, that's a lot to contemplate.

Let me start by saying...ear today, gone tomorrow:)

Of course what's really going on is that the whole caper has been a conspiracy of liberal political correctness meant to purposefully ruin the PERFECT acoustical sensory chamber of our former president's PERFECTLY and DIVINELY ordained and INTELLIGENTLY DESIGNED...hearing apparatus.

Shame on the liberals for that, and clearly the best thing to do for our beleaguered republic is to round up all the potential special education shooters and put them somewhere where it will be easier for federal agents to shoot them first, like fish in a barrel.

I sure hope that's not too totalitarian for you, but remember, DUP forum threads are all about the freedom of speech...

unless you have a dissenting opinion.

poet Anonymous

I can't even entertain the thought that the shooting was fake when a fireman was killed and two were in criticle condition. (now stable) Shame on you for starting this thread and saying it was a performance.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 268

"I can't even entertain the thought that the shooting was fake when a fireman was killed and two were in criticle condition. (now stable) Shame on you for starting this thread and saying it was a performance."

Well Tim, let me remind you that this is a pro-MAGA thread, where we recognize that sacrifices have to be made for the greater MAGA good.

Let's refer to them from now on as..."collateral damage". Not my way to describe the victims, but let's respect that preferred pentagon wording regardless, so that no one thinks we're a leftist. Capisce?  

I'm positive that The Donald would understand, which is why it's so weird that you can't seem to find it within yourself to get on board the MAGA bandwagon. That's on you.

Average Joe. AJ. Joe
Dangerous Mind
United States 1awards
Joined 8th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 639


Yup, that pretty much sums up who's responsible.

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15898

If the CIA were responsible I'm certain they would've enlisted a professional sniper, not a 20 year-old mentally unstable boy-man.

Were they negligent? Yes, imho. Were they responsible? No, unless negligence counts for responsibility outside of enlisting a professional.

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 531

With regard to -; Discuss

With regard to trump's ear. He got a slap two
other people got dead. Shot dead.

In trump's previous life he did nothing
about gun violence. And boasted about it

I am well aware that,
One Mother and one Wife
are full of unconsolable grief.

One of those, shot dead,  might be viewed
as a hero the other, as a poor unfortunate?

But trump. A nasty piece of work?

Average Joe. AJ. Joe
Dangerous Mind
United States 1awards
Joined 8th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 639

You can't make this up...

Joe Biden tells donors Trump has to be put in the bullseye
(The same Joe Biden who denied RFK Jr USSS protection)
The American Glass Research owned the building the sniper shot from.
American Glass Research is partially owned by BlackRock
BlackRock previously ran an ad featuring the sniper.
American Glass Research is managed by a former executives of Pfizer
Most of the agents working the event weren't USSS, they were with the Homeland Security Investigations team
People told security for at least twenty minutes before the shooting there was a sniper on the roof
USSS snipers had a clear view of sniper from 40 feet away but did nothing as he fired shot after shot
The USSS Director refuses to resign
Austin Private Wealth, LLC, had put options on as many as 12 million shares of DJT shares just one day before the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
Austin Private Wealth’s top investors, included influential globalists such as The Rothschild Family, BlackRock, Vanguard, and Meta, as well as prominent political families like the Bushes and the Cheneys.

Biden's DoJ/FBI are doing the "investigation"

And now the left says, Trump brought it on himself, Trump staged it, mocked the bandage, Orange man bad.

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 15898

AverageJoe said:You can't make this up...

Joe Biden tells donors Trump has to be put in the bullseye

[ Other stuff ]

Biden's DoJ/FBI are doing the "investigation"

And now the left says, Trump brought it on himself, Trump staged it, mocked the bandage, Orange man bad.

Actually, yeah, stuff is made up, every day. I'll address what I know and admit to what I don't because I haven't researched it.

President Biden's reference to "bullseye" was referring to the media's focus on his competence rather than the lies Trump told during the debate ( which have been verified by facts ). Bullseye = target, which is what Biden felt like. He flat-out asked an interviewer who questioned his mentality why he wasn't focused on all the lies Trump told. No matter what word Biden would've used, target, focus, objective, etc. it would've been attributed to the shooting.

Of course the presidential DOJ/FBI are investigating. Trump is a former president and this type of violence is unacceptable. It removes a person's choice from the ballot. And not ONE member of the left I personally know and associate with has mocked Trump personally.

I, personally was outraged by his comment, "There was blood everywhere" when his white collar remained pristine by countering that claim with a photograph of an elementary classroom with "blood everywhere" from an AK-47 shooting.

And my statement regarding the unity that MAGA showed by donning bandages on their ear was irreprehensible compared to the AK-47 pins they donned after all the elementary school shootings. But of course, anyone who argues that hasn't lost a child from a school shooting.

They could've at least worn black arm bands representing the future American citizens lost rather than a pin that supported the weapon that killed them.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 268

AverageJoe said:You can't make this up...

Joe Biden tells donors Trump has to be put in the bullseye
(The same Joe Biden who denied RFK USSS protection)
The American Glass Research owned the building the sniper shot from.
American Glass Research is partially owned by Black Rock
Black Rock previously ran an ad featuring the sniper.
American Glass Research is managed by a former executives of Pfizer
Most of the agents working the event weren't USSS, they were with the Homeland Security Investigations team
People told security for at least twenty minutes before the shooting there was a sniper on the roof
USSS snipers had a clear view of sniper from 40 feet away but did nothing as he fired shot after shot
The USSS Director refuses to resign
Austin Private Wealth, LLC, had put options on as many as 12 million shares of DJT shares just one day before the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
Austin Private Wealth’s top investors, included influential globalists such as The Rothschild Family, BlackRock, Vanguard, and Meta, as well as prominent political families like the Bushes and the Cheneys.

Biden's DoJ/FBI are doing the "investigation"

And now the left says, Trump brought it on himself, Trump staged it, mocked the bandage, Orange man bad.

I actually applaud your hyper focused skepticism, even as I hope you are aware of its risk of ideational myopia, which is why I don't necessarily concur with the implications, especially in light of how fruitless all the J.F.K. theories have turned out.

Hell, you might be right, but what's gonna get done about it?

Most personal spheres of influence end with the casting of a vote, which becomes more proportionally important the more down ballot folks vote...which they ironically don't do as much.

Ever since 911, we all like to think of our "first responders" as a type of morally flawless superhero ready to drop everything to get a little girls cat out of a tree. If that were true, we wouldn't, as a society, insist that they all wear body cameras for every shift.

Too many counter sniper donuts?  

Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5676

MidnightSonneteer said:I'm worried that the former president's ear will become infected, and I also think that he should be nominated for an Academy Award for his performance as a victim at the assassination attempt.


So the other thread isn't enough anti-trump, and we need 2 now?

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 268

Ahavati said:

Actually, yeah, stuff is made up, every day. I'll address what I know and admit to what I don't because I haven't researched it.

President Biden's reference to "bullseye" was referring to the media's focus on his competence rather than the lies Trump told during the debate ( which have been verified by facts ). Bullseye = target, which is what Biden felt like. He flat-out asked an interviewer who questioned his mentality why he wasn't focused on all the lies Trump told. No matter what word Biden would've used, target, focus, objective, etc. it would've been attributed to the shooting.

Of course the presidential DOJ/FBI are investigating. Trump is a former president and this type of violence is unacceptable. It removes a person's choice from the ballot. And not ONE member of the left I personally know and associate with has mocked Trump personally.

I, personally was outraged by his comment, "There was blood everywhere" when his white collar remained pristine by countering that claim with a photograph of an elementary classroom with "blood everywhere" from an AK-47 shooting.

And my statement regarding the unity that MAGA showed by donning bandages on their ear was irreprehensible compared to the AK-47 pins they donned after all the elementary school shootings. But of course, anyone who argues that hasn't lost a child from a school shooting.

They could've at least worn black arm bands representing the future American citizens lost rather than a pin that supported the weapon that killed them.

The rifle pins are yet another example of political theater that breaks down into the horse shit that it is when honest to goodness contrast and comparison is applied to both scenarios, and considering that rarely seems to happen here at an allegedly metaphor savvy poetry website, I can't help but wonder about the connection between substance abuse denial, as a psychological phenomenon, and the denial seen in MAGA people who have the same opportunities for ethics and virtue comparison that the rest of us have.

Anyone questioning your assessment ought to be questioned about their apparent disregard for violence in general, let alone political violence.  

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 531

America is in urgent need of
deprogramming regarding the
carrying of guns.

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 268

MadameLavender said:

So the other thread isn't enough anti-trump, and we need 2 now?

Your inquiry assumes that I am anti-Trump, when it would be more accurate to recognize that I am a pro-virtue poet in an insidiously cynical anti-virtue culture, and I can't imagine that anybody would have a problem with that, unless they were themselves a complainer of virtue signaling, which of course is tacit admission of being anti-virtue.

It is most telling of our American virtue declination that there are ONLY two such threads here at DUP.

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